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Brittany's POV

I dashed up the stairs passed Zayn and Perrie, she yelled something but I couldn't hear. I threw on my white tank top and black leather vest, put skinnies on with a belt around my waist and black pumps. Perrie walked in "Knock knock, just wanted to let you know Niall's back and waiting" I walked passed her out the door "Thanks ill see you later" she mumbled something but again I couldn't hear her.

When Niall pulled up there was a path if rose petals leading to a plane. He opened my door helping me out, I stared at him waiting for an explanation. "I figured we could have our date inside while on the way to see your Aunt Mel" he said nervously waiting for my reaction. What could I say? "Niall it's sweet and all but going to see her wasn't a done deal plan of mine" he sighed "I know I just figured you needed a little push to decide" a scoff escaped my mouth "It wasn't for you to decide or help me decide. I would figure it out on my own, I didn't need your help!" It wasn't like I was intentionally trying to hurt his feelings but I was a little upset. This was something I wanted to decide on my own without his help. "Why do you feel the need to help me all the time?! Has my past illness finally caught up with me, am I that screwed up now!" I didn't mean to bring my depression back up but it slipped and I started to cry, feeling weak. "Oh God no love, it hasnt...your not screwed up. I just...I don't know it was stupid of me to try and help" he said wiping my tears away "Sorry it won't happen again" I'd upset him and hurt him at the same time with my anger. "No Niall, I'm sorry please don't be upset" he laughed "Im not upset Brittany, just disappointed...that you still don't see" I looked up at him confused "You still don't see how amazing you are and that I'm here for you. I'm your boyfriend now and when I see you struggling with something my instincts tell me to help. That's all I was trying to was help.. But now I'm letting you decide. You can either get your ars on that plane, or we can leave and take you home... You decide". It shocked me as the harsh decision he gave me came out. Niall was right though and he knew it, that's why he's letting me choose and I wasn't about to let him down. So I took his hand and led him towards the plane. Before climbing the steps I turned to face him, put my hands on his face leaning him down to my level placing my lips on his. The kiss was full of need and understanding but short lives as he pulled away guiding me into the plane.

Inside there was a big seat enough room for both of us to sit and sleep on. I knew the trip would be long, from London to Louisiana, but I didn't care because I was with him. We sat and ate, but after awhile I felt myself start I drift falling asleep on his shoulder. "It's okay beautiful, rest and ill kiss you when you wake" he said placing a peck on my forehead before I passed out.

I woke up intertwined with Niall, my head on his chest, our legs wrapped around eachother, and his arms around me. He started to shift, opening his eyes looking down at me. I slid my finger down the side of his face not taking my eyes off his. "You have beautiful eyes, like crystal clear blue water, and I can see my reflection moving in them" he laughed leaning down to kiss me. I pulled back "What's one of your old favorite movies"? He asked. "When I was a little girl I used to turn on Grease 2 and dance to the same scene Stephanie Zinone did to Cool Rider. It became my favorite movie at the time along with Grease one". Niall smiled at the thought of me as a little girl dancing to that, I laughed "I also used to try climbing a ladder as cool as she did.... It wasn't as cool" he shook his head "I doubt that, I'm sure trying it now you look smoking hot!" He said lifting me into his lap kissing my neck. I giggled "Niall stoooppppp!!" He did even though I was joking but I asked "what about your favorite movie?"

"Grease" he said

"Are you just saying that cause its mine?"

"Haha nooo..." We laughed.

The flight lasted for ever and Niall and I mostly talked about our past. I told him what it was like before Perrie joined XFactor and about how I loved writing and photography. He told me about growing up in his home with his family and what strived him to join XFactor and how great it was to be in a band with the lads. It was fun we even stopped a few places along the way taking pictures everywhere. There where fans and paparazzi but we enjoyed it. I make no big deal out if his fans and I love seeing him interact with them, he really is a great guy.

Niall and I arrived in West Monroe around six. I wasn't as familiar with the place, because I'd only been here a few times. Stepping off the plane I wasn't completely sure if I was actually ready to see Mel now. "It's going to be okay baby, you can do this I'm here for you" Niall said into my ear and I nodded in agreement taking his hand going through the airport. Not like I was completely surprised but it did shock me a little when I saw her on the other side of the gate.Mel had cut her hair since the last time I saw her, when I was sixteen, and she had lost weight, she looked healthy. But as we approached her I had so many questions, the first one was what do I say. Which was a stupid question but I was feeling nervous! "Hello Brittany"Mel said awkwardly hugging me "Hello Mel..."

******How do you think it's going to go between Mel and Brittany?***

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