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Logan's POV

Everything was going so great the fans were amazing. Brittany and I tell the boys we are going to the bathroom, since the one backstage is broken we have to go through the fans. They insist someone going with us but we refuse. "Hello!" Brittany says to some girls we run into in the bathroom "oh no fucking way it's you two!" I was in shock at her remark

"Excuse me?" I say as I I didn't hear her "Yea I'm talking to you two, you think that jut cause some of those girls like you that they all do?! Well bitch your mistaken because they don't" the next thing I know the other girl grabs Brittany by the hair and smashes her head into the mirror. My eyes widened in fear and shock as the other girl kept hitting her and the rude one came at me. But I moved in time for her to fall to the ground. I didn't know what I was doing but if there's anything I learned growing up with Brittany, it's to take action when necessary. I got in top of her and just started hitting, she got a swing in on me knocking me off. I see Brittany getting a hold of the other girl and Brits face was scratched up bleeding really bad down her face. Other girls came in the bathroom, they yelled for more girls to come in. The next thing I know more girls are hitting on Brittany and I but some are trying to help fighting back with us.

My body was in so much pain and I could see the pain and rage all over Brittany's face as she stuck by my side the best she could. I pounced on one girl who had something in her hand trying to hurt Brittany and others helped me get it out of the chicks hand.

"Get off me!" She screamed and I did. I had never felt this kind of anger before, it was always Brittany that fought back, but when I saw what was about to happen to her I had no choice. Out of no where police come in and for a bathroom I had never thought one could be full of so many bodies, some where in the hall fighting. I saw Paul and he helped me out of the crowd "Wait Brittany! Where's Brittany! We can't leave without her!" I yelled at Paul looking back at the crowd of girls Brittany was swarmed by an tears filled my eyes as I saw her. It looked like a blood bath in there, I'd have never thought a great night could turn into a nightmare so fast it was scary and I thought to myself wwhat the hell are Brittany and I really getting into here.

"Stay here! Watch her!" Paul said to me and a guard as he went back in for Brittany. The ambulance showed up outside the door, I wondered where Harry and the boys where wondering if they knew what was happening right now.

Paul returned with Brittany and it wasn't good. The look of her in his arms was unbearable, her eyes closed an swollen, my knees gave out and everything went black.

Brittany's POV

I woke up in a bed curled in Niall's arms. It's not like I didn't know where I was, after the beating I took it was obvious we were in a hospital room. Logan instantly popped in my head, we did the best we could trying to stick together during the brawl. She was snached away from me at one point by someone,a man, and without her things became nearly impossible for me. My eyes are less swollen now so I can see out of them,but it's faint. As I'm looking down at my body that Niall ha his arms gently around, I look up to see him staring at me. "Brittany I'm so sorry, I should have never let you and Logan go without a guard. It was so stupid and I can't even explain how sorry I am I don't-cant-I'm so..." I did the usually thing we do when one of us is like this. My finger pressed his lip hushing him and I reached up lightly kissing his lips, just the little but of pressure hurt. Niall started to sob in as we kissed and I pulled away. Seeing him cry made me cry and the salty tear stung against my cuts. He noticed the pain and lightly grazed his hand wiping them away "Don't cry please I can't stand to see you in anymore pain" I looked into his eyes seeing them clearer than anything else around me "I Love You" is all that came out as I drifted back to sleep.

" For whatever might have been

And all that it never was, whatever

I couldn't see, and all that I didn't want

There was a method to my madness

Girl that wasn't clear to me

Until the day I saw your face,..

When I saw everything...."

I woke to Niall's angelic voice and smiled "What song is that"? I asked, he put his guitar down and sat beside the bed hand on mine " I Choose You by Mario....." He paused for a minute then said "I love you Brittany, I really do". "I know Niall, I love you too. My Prince Charming" I said smiling at him the best I could.

"Knock knock" I saw Logan, Harry pushing her in a wheel chair! My eyes widened, i didn't think they got to her that bad "Oh MY GOD LOGAN are you OK" she laughed "Oh, ha yea, this is just umm from fainting. I was traumatized the doc said by the sight of everything. Ya know for a sec there I really think we where in a horror movie. Raged Fans Gone Mad or something" we all laughed, same old logan.

"You know now that I think about it Logan I saw you go bitch mode on them. I'm proud of ya cuz" we laughed. "How can the two of you banged up sit here and act like everything's ok!" Harry yelled "Because we are Alive Harry, would you rather us dead so that you'd really have something to tell over" Logan spat back mad at his outburst "No, of course not, I'm sorry love, guess I just hate seeing you like this" and just like that they kissed and made up. "Ya know I'd roll my eyes at the two of you but that's physically impossible so Niall...." I said looking at him till his eyes for me we giggled as he kissed me.

"Liam!" I said as he walked in with ummm "Danielle hi, so good to see you" Niall said. "Nice to see you two we brought some flowers for you brittany" I gave them the best smile I could "Thanks" Liam bent to kiss my forehead then stepped back locking arms with Danielle. "So when can you go home?" I sighed at Liam's question "it's only been a day and the doc says I'm looking at a week or so, I'm lucky not major broken bones, just a lot of swelling. Those chicks could fight but Logan had it going once she saw that chick pull a blade on me." I stated "Shit! Someone pulled a blade in you!" Oops I tightened my hand in Nialls "Im fine Niall, Logan saved me, she was a real hero."

After a brief strange silence I spoke "Ya know I'm not so shocked that happened and more, hater gonna hate ya know. I knew there were fans who didn't like us being with you two but I'd go through it all again just to be with you." I stated looking at Niall, he smiled a pitiful smile "Im going to stay with Brit and let her rest" he said as they all left leaving us to rest in each others arms.

**** What y'all think of that throw down show down!!Ha****

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