Comfort and Love

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Niall's POV

"Has anyone heard from Brittany? She won't call me back". Liam patted me on the back "No mate she hasn't answered me with" he said bummed. I wasn't worried about Liam and Brittany's relationship, because I knew it was strictly friend zone. But I am worried if she's second guessing going out with me again. "Niall!! Brittany's here to see you!" Louis yelled, I jumped off the couch running to the door. Louis was hugging Brittany and when she look up at me my heart ached. Her eyes were full of tears and cheeks red from running. I found beauty in her still but it was a sad kind of beauty. "Brittany ar-wha-... Come on let's go to my room" she placed her hand in mine and we walked to my room. Harry got her a glass of water and Louis got her some shorts and tee since her dress was sweaty and uncomfortable for her. "I'm going to go see Logan check on her" Harry said hugging Brittany before leaving.

When the door closed to my room Brittany practically sat in my lap burying her head In the crease of my neck sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her "it's ok love whatever it is you can tell me. I'm here for you I promise" I put both my hands on each side of her face and moved her hair so I could see her eyes. " I am Niall.. I am adopted.. And what's worse is my own aunt is my mother!" It took me by surprise of course I noticed Brittany was different from her sister and parents. But not because I thought less of her because I though she was unique an beautiful. More tears fell and my hand wiped them away. "That doesn't change who you are. You had a feeling this was going to happen an you where right" her eyes are usually hazel but now with all these tears they were a gorgeous emerald green that shined so bright full of water. "I don't know who I am Niall"

"I do. Your the same girl you where when you move in with Perrie. The same girl who I met at the club, danced with me, told me her life story. Brittany your sassy and sweet, shy and out there, sensitive and strong. You are so many things that don't make since but do at the same time because they make out you and who you are. Brittany look at me please" she lifted her eyes to meet mine "You are still you. This discovery about your biological mom doesn't change that. Please don't let it change that I love who you are."

We sat there for a while and I just let her soak in my words "Y-you love who i am?" How could she be so shocked "Of course I do, couldn't you tell on our date. Brittany I'm captivated by you"... That's when it happened, she threw her arms around me. Her lips met mine and I could feel the tears still stinging her eyes. I lifted my hands to wipe them and stop them from spilling as we kissed. Our lips moved in perfect sync, it was perfect. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she still sat in my lap with her arms wrapped around me. Our kisses lasted for hours but I didn't care.

At one point we laid back she was half on top of me and all we did was kiss. I wanted to show her that she could trust me. That I would never push her into anything, that I could be her prince, the one she's always dreamed of because I know she's my princesses and I have dreamed of her.

She lifted up from our kisses " Thank you, you really are amazing Niall and I don't deserve you as a friend". I lifted us up "Is that all I am to you a friend?" I asked a little annoyed "well no I- I just"

"Because I don't want to be just your friend Brittany. I'm trying to prove how much I care about you and that you can trust me. I won't quite treating you like this even if we are more than friends because you deserve the best and I can be your best, for you I can be that. But if you don't want me then.." I got up ready to open the door because something inside me made me feel like she's never see the love I have for her. But before I could reach the door she pulled on my arm wrapping herself around me and kissing me with such roughness I could feel her need and lust. It was more than that though I could feel her love and understanding at the same time and it was amazing, then it stopped and she pulled away. "Of course ill be your girl Niall I only said friend because I didn't know if you wanted me to be more to you. Since you never asked" we laughed " Sometimes you women can be so clueless but I don't blame you. I blame me, I should've been more specific with my actions expecially considering your past".

"It's ok Niall I don't blame you either. Lets go get ice cream!" She said pulling me out of the room and too the kitchen. I lifted her and sat her on the counter as I rummaged through the fridge for the mixed ice cream. I stood between her legs, my hands on her thighs as she fed me ice cream. To some that may sound weird but it was sweet to me and I loved it. I loved her,I just dong want to tell her till she's ready but for now I can handle just showing her. My phone interrupted us and my thoughts.

** Hello Zayn?

* Hey mate Logan and the guys are going to play laser tag you and Brit wanna come?

I looked to Brittany who nodded yes with excitement.

** Yea mate we will be there in a few!

I hung up and wrapped Brittany's legs around me lifting her off the counter caring her to my room. Her giggles where cute even while we kissed. I layer her on the bed and our kisses started to deepen. Her hands started to wander pulling the bottom I my shirt up. The. She stopped and I pulled away confused, she laughed "laser tag rmemeber! You ninny!" I hopped up in annoyance darn them for their brilliant idea to get us out of the house. "Come on silly I think we should match all blue for tag team!" Her idea was brilliant and I thought of something else "Oh yea team Brialler!! Knuckle punch!" We knuckle punched and got dressed she fit Liam's clothes better but only because her chest was big and butt which I didn't mind at all! " I've got such a huge chest and ass ugh I hate it" I ran up behind her as we went to leave and grabbed her ass whispering in her ear "well I love it!" That made her giggle and blush, she was soo cute. I smiled walking out with her hand in mine.

What do y'all think of Niall'a point of view! Hope you understand his feelings for her clearer now. Let me know please what you thing?😊😄

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