Date or Mistake

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I woke up more than excited for my date with Niall. At the same time I'm not much for secrets, where is he taking me? I didn't want to bug him with too many questions about it so I stopped asking. "I'm helping you dress!" Logan shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes as she came in with her bowl of noodles. I sat on the bed letting her rummage through my clothes and stuff. She pulled out my light cheetah print dress . It was a little above the knee, clung to my skin well shaping my figure, the tip part was a little low cut and lifted my chest giving it a perky shape with the sleeve on the side showing my shoulders. "Idk you don't think it's much? I mean I could just wear some jeans and a tee because at least it would cover my pale skin."

"Brit chill you see Perrie walking around with her pale skin in clothes like this almost and she doesn't complain!" She had a point but I'm not Perrie. I have no confidence in my body. "Why not? I guess I'll wear it just to show my sassy side" I said trying to enthuse myself she high five me "Now that's what I'm talking about"!

She curled my hair and gave it a little bump and I wore black pumps. My makeup was simple to me eyeliner and red lipstick. No base I don't wear base it would look weird if I had a tan face and pale body! And I had gold earrings in but my neck felt bare. She said no necklace though so I went without. The door rang and made me jump, my heart started to race. "I'll get it you descend from the stairs in three minutes!" She ran out more excited than me. I took one last look at myself and noticed that I really did look beautiful.

I walked down the stairs on time like she said and saw her talking to Niall. He glance behind her looking at me. The look on his face told me all I needed to know and I blushed. My cheeks felt red hot and his smile was so gorgeous. "You look absolutely beautiful and that's not even enough to describe" his words took me by surprise but it was sweet. "Thank you and you look very handsome" he really did he was in tan khakis with a white button up shirt which want fully buttoned it showed some of his chest which I loved. His hair wasn't up in that shape he usually put it in it was actually down and he look really cute. "Well you two have fun bye!" Logan said trying to rush us out the door. "Oh Logan wait!" Harry said walking up to go inside Logan and I look at him confused "what are you doin here not that I'm complainin" Logan asked what I was going too "Wow your accent is hot love veryyy southern right that's how y'all say it?" He said mimicking her accent I rolled my eyes but she laughed "Alright well you two have fun we are off" Niall said leading me to the car but they were already inside.

"Why didn't you tell me he was gonna hang with her!" I said swatting his arm

"Owe sorry he just really wanted to meet her in person said her picture was cute and he over heard her while we FaceTimed yesterday and he thought she sounded great"

"Oh well ok he just seems like a player"

"I know what it looked like at the club but he's actually not bad sure he's dated but he doesn't cheat or play when he's with her girl. He's an honest guy trust me." He said placing his ham over mine while the other on the wheel. I smiled "ok ill trust that I guess.. Umm so where are we?" Niall pulled up to an empty field. He popped out of the car running to my door helping me out. "Do you trust me?" He asked stopping before we continued on up the hill. It was hard to answer "I.. I..." Looking down he lifted my chin " Do you trust me?" Before I could think the words spilled out "Y-Yes" his eyes sparkled with beauty. Why did I just say that? Did I really trust him or is this a big mistake? At this moment I felt like taking off my heels and running the other way. But what I saw was so beautiful my eyes watered a little in awe. There was a blanket with candles around it and a movie screen in front like from the old days were people would sit in the parking lots just to watch a movie on a big screen. It was amazing and there was a basket. I looked at him he looked happy "do you like it?" I hugged him "Like? Niall it's wonderful I love it" I felt like a girl in one of those chick flick movies!. "You did all this just to impress me?" I asked as we sat "No Brittany I did all this to show you." He said placing his hand over mine "Show me what?" He leaned to whisper something to me but not in my ear. Niall'a face was inches from mine and he said "That your worth it" and he leaned back. My heart was pounding fast this was all too good to be true even for a first date. But maybe this wasn't a mistake, maybe I can trust him. "Did you know that unlike the boys I haven't dated in years?" He asked and I was curious "Why?". The movie started playing it was Dear John "I LoVe This Movie!"I said smiling and he laughed "Because I've been waiting for the right girl. And when I saw you I said to myself ' Self you got to take a chance with this girl she's gorgeous and confident, shy but sassy, she's funny and out there.." I had to stop him "But I'm not. Not really, that's only with you and I don't know why. Sometimes it scares me because I'm afraid of the chances I take with you and that one day ill slip up and you'll leave." It took him a while to respond looking for the right words " alainn, I took chances with you to. I'm willing to take more if that is what it takes to be with you and get to know you" I smiled "what does that first word mean?" He grinned showing his perfect white teeth "Alainn it means beautiful". Out of all the times he's called me beautiful this one really got to me.

After eating we laid there watching the movie. I cried a few times but so did Niall, I don't know why but I liked that he had a soft side. And lying in his arms made me feel safe and warm. Feeling the need to look up into his eyes I saw him already looking down and we both just starred laying there in that moment for what felt like ages. He finally kissed my forehead then we finished the movie.

Instead of going home right away Niall and I just sat there talking about everything. I told him about my past even the part where I think I'm adopted. He told me about his home and where he grew up. Said maybe one day he will take me. I've always wanted to go to Ireland it's been one dream of mine. We sat close while talking his hand lay over mine. "There's something else you should know?" I can't believe I was going to tell him this "what love?" I moved my hand out from under his backing away a little "When I was 16 there was one guy, but he was bad no good and I tried not to care. I knew love for me only existed in fairy tales, so I settled for him. But he played me and I let him, I- I started hurting myself. Stopped eating and cut a few times" I continued messing with my wrist where the scares used to be but are no longer noticeable. "When I moved in with Perrie that's when it all stopped and things got better. He was the only guy I was dated but I never trust him. Not like I do you. And that scares me."

When I was done I looked at him, but instead of saying anything he moved forward and I felt lips on my cheek. When his face was in front of me he said "I would never do anything to loose your trust". And that's all I needed to hear but he said more "Protecting you, letting you know how beautiful and perfect you are to me is all I want to do. I wanna show you what you mean to me. I see your beauty inside an out love and you shine bright like a star".

We moved toward each other and his lips placed a light kiss on mine then he moved up and placed a kiss on my forehead, it was so sweet and kind. "You ready to go?" I frowned "No, but it's late so yea we better get back. Plus not fully comfy that we left Harry and Logan together for so long" he laugh with me helping me up "yea you are probably right, come on".

Niall pulled up in the drive and we go to head inside. "LOGAN!"it was quite for a while no one answered I looked to Niall confused he just shrugged "Harry Mate!"...still nothing. I lead us to the back deck an who to we find snuggled up asleep on the swing in a blanket, Harry and Logan. Niall looked to me with that uh oh kind of look and we laughed. "I'll wake him up for us to go." he tugged Harry's arm "What!?" That also woke Logan up "Owe!" Harry rubbed Logan's shoulder " Oh sorry love" she got up "It's alright". Niall turned to me giving me one last kiss on the cheek "See you soon" he out Harry's arm over him taking him to the car like Harry was drunk or something. Which made sense cause Harry passed out on Niall shoulder while going to the car. Logan laughed and yawned beside me "he's so adorable?" I looked at her "What on earth did you both do?!" She smiled "To be honest we just talked and well ok a few kisses where exchanged but they were harmless!?" I laughed taking her upstairs because it was clearly bedtime.

Snuggled up under my covers Perrie text me

*Perrie: Hey sis I won't make it home our flight got planned early so we had to leave out right away! So sorry😥

*Me: Sighhh it's ok I guess. My date was amazing just thought I'd let you know before bed.!

She sent me a pic of her excited face and Jades, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne's! It was so funny. I love my life and my family, things are great. But something popped in my head the thought that things are bound to go wrong at some point, It even happens in the movies.

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