A Chat

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"What a sight to see you up this late." Your head whipped to the side to see Sebastian stood at the door with a candelabra in hand.

"Oh, Mr Sebastian, sorry, I couldn't sleep." You smiled sheepishly and pushed a lock if hair behind your ear.

"It's no problem my Lady, and please, just call me Sebastian." He walked over to where you were. "If I may?" You nodded and Sebastian sat down beside you.

"Hey, Sebastian, do you have any family?" The Butler looked at you, slightly surprised.

"No, my Lady."

"Oh, what about friends, surely you have friends?" He smiled slightly.

"No my Lady."

"Oh, okay."

"But, there is one person I... Like as you humans would put it."

"Is it the Earl?" Sebastian laughed in that silky way of his.

"No my Lady, its you."

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