A Friend

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You smiled as you petted the beautiful cat with sleek fur as dark as sin that was happuly curled in your lap. You giggled as it purred slightly.

"Arent you a beauty?" You cooed as the creature looked at you with iridescent -- if somewhat amazingly unnerving -- claret eyes. It mewed and you went back to stroking it.

It had been turning up at your door for months now, always right before you went to bed. It started out of the blue, but you were glad of the company. You got lonely sometimes, and it was nice to have the cat to speak to when you just needed a rant. It was strange, but you always had the strange feeling that the little kitty was listening to you, its gorgeous crimson eyes filled with some emotion you never could quite decipher.

"Okay kitty, its time for bed now." The cat mewed again and leapt off your lap, politely sitting in the corner and facing away from you as you changed... strange little creature.

Curious... is it really even a cat?

You called the cat once you were changed and in bed, and it happily trotted over to you, leaping up onto your bed and settling down right in the small curve next to your stomach you made when curled up slightly. You could feel the cat's coldness through the sheer material of your nightdress, and in these horrible humid nights? It was such a blessed miracle.

"Night, night kitty. Thank you for listening to me again," you muttered softly as you drifted off to sleep. You didnt hear the cat, though it must have been a half-dream, because it was almost as if someone spoke to you...

"Goodnight, my love."


A week later, you sighed and blew the candle out, gently sitting by the window and looking over at the beautiful view you had from your apartment.

London was quiet this time of night, the only people walking about being the unsightly types and drunkards trying to get back home. With another sigh,  yourr eyes drifted up to the stars, constant as always, ignorant as always to the troubles going on below them.

"Its a shame kitty isnt here... but I guess he has his own life to lead back his owners." Your smile dropped as you thought about your absent kitten. He hadnt visited for a while now, and you missed him dearly.

"Where are you, kitty?" You sighed deeply and fell silent, staring up at the stars.

Suddenly, a knock jolted you out of your meaningless thoughts. Withùùùùù a frown, you got up and opened the door, freezing at the sight before you.

A gorgeous tower of a man garbed in all black -- was he a butler? -- gazed down at you with affection. He had hair as black as sin, and eyes as red as claret. As your bewildered eyes met his, he smiled gently and offered you a hand.

"I believe you were waiting, (sir/milady)?"

((Hey guys! Im back with what I hope to be this little gem. The credit for the scenario goes to a-scribes-words for their amazing imagines so go hit up their profile, and if you're reading this, thank you once again for allowing me to use your imagines! They are honestly so creative and I'm honoured to be allowed to use them! Theres maybe 2 more chapters I'll be writing using those scenarios, so keep an eye out for those in the future!

As always, dont forget to leave a like, and comment. Dont forget to send me your suggestions too, either by comment or private message!

Until the next time,

Farewell my Lord/Lady/Friend))

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