A Story (Footnotes pt. 2)

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It was all you could see, all you could feel, all you knew. There was nothing but the darkness, pressing in on you from all directions, stealing your breath and taking your life.

You were scared.

You were going to die.

"Enough!" You bellowed, your grip tight on your scythe. Both boys paused, and saw you standing in the entrance to the lobby, absolutely furious and practically steaming with anger.

"(Y/n)?" William turned to you, forgetting Sebastian entirely, and instead walking over to you. Your heart twisted when you saw the blood running down his face.

"Stop fighting, please," you whispered, holding back tears. "I am sick of the constant fights between you." The reaper sighed, closing his eyes and you looked down. This was it. William would--

Blood spattered over your face.

A body collapsed against you.

Someone screamed.

Within the darkness you could see nothing, nothing except a small flame. It grew bigger and bigger until it suddenly burst into a giant whirlwind of flames.

"(Y/n), Im here." You smiled, reaching out a hand to the figure within the flaming inferno.

You sagged to the ground, your arms wrapped around William as he fell to the floor. Blood seeped from a large wound in his stomach, dripping onto your clothing, staining it a garish red.

Your sight blurred, tears mixing with the blood. But it didnt help. He kept dying.


He was dying.

Your hands were gentle as you laid William on the ground, waving to Grell who dashed over and picked the reaper up, carrying him off to get help. The red head spoke to you, told you to be careful, to not be stupid, but you didnt hear him. You couldnt. All you heard was the pounding of your own heart as your sorrow turned to anger.

The blade of your scythe gleamed wickedly in the light as you stood, making your way over to the demon. He said nothing, only giving you a sly smirk, a mistake on his part as that only infuriated you more.

"You have nerve," you said, your voicw taking on a darker tone, a tone promising revenge and pain. "To show up here, where reapers reside, and to fight one of our own as though you are not a monster who preys on the weak and desperate. You prance around as though you are not a disgusting creature of the night with no idea what morals even are, who has no idea how to even care about anyone other than yourself!"

"You seem angry, my lady," Sebastian said quietly, his eyes darkening.

"You are a disgusting, foul creature who does not even deserve the gift of life, who does not even deserve to be stood before me! And yet you stand there with that disgusting smile and expect me to throw myself into your arms after you have just possibly killed someone I care about?" At this, Sebastian laughed.

"You expect to be able to hurt me with that little scythe?" You looked down at the somewhat simple but beautiful sword you took as your scythe, and smiled

"No, I dont. But this isnt actually mine." You dropped the sword, and held your hand out to your side, where a soft glow began to light up. You spoke as the light began to take shape, elongating and thinning out.

"That scythe I simply use as a backup, mainly because its simple, unassuming, and makes me look weaker than what I am, but my actual scythe? Oh, that will be easy to hurt you with." The light finally faded, leaving nothing but a very long, very sharp and very dangerous scythe in your hand. You examined the blade with a smile.

"I had Undertaker help me with this. I have to admit that I am rather fond of his scythe, and so I asked him to make me one too. I think it must have been the way the blade glints in the light, or perhaps how its so simple and yet so, so dangerous at the same time." The blade arched high above you as you leant on your beloved scythe, your grin uncontainable.

"You're not as weak as you portray, are you?" You giggled.

"Me and Undertaker are good friends. I simply asked him to help me out with a few things, like my strength, fighting style etcetera, etcetera." Sebastian simply sighed, closing his eyes, and while it was dirty, you took your chance, swinging the huge blade and grunting with satisfaction as it dug straight into his chest. Cinematic records poured forth, and you poked at his body as you watched his memories whizz by.

"Thats your childhood? My goodness... no wonder you're so messed up..." you stood for a while, your face blank as a familiar figure walked up to stand beside you. A smile foughts it way on your face.

"Im sure you've seen this all before, am I right, Undertaker?" The man beside you chuckled, luminescent eyes glowing in the light.

"I suppose I have, but it no longer matters~"

"Will he die?"

"I doubt it. This is a hard demon to kill... most likely he'll lay here for a while and then go home to his master with his tail between his legs." Undertaker barked like a small puppy and giggled before taking your scythe from you, examining it carefully.

"Is it still good?"

"Yes, yes. Its made by me after all. The blade still seems sharp, theres no damage to the handle. All in all, its very good craftsmanship if I do say so myself." The scythe was handed back to you and you took it, turning and walking away.

"This stays between us as always, Adrian, I'll be going now. Deal with the puppy for me?"

"Give William my regards," called the Grim Reaper. You smiled, making your way to the bedside of the one you loved.


"Will? Will are you awake?" Green eyes opened and turned to your own, and even the stoic and ever serious William T. Spears couldnt resist a smile.

"You're okay," he said quietly. You smiled and nodded.

"I'm okay, I had some help, and Sebastian will soon be running back home." The reaper gave you a confused look but said no more, choosing to instead take you by the hand and shutting his eyes, drifting asleep. You smiled and laid your head down on the bed, closing your eyes and allowing yourself the luxury of sleep as well.

It had taken a while, but you had finally found out who it was within the fiery whirlwind. It was the one who held your heart, the one who you would do anything for, the one you loved.

William stepped out from the flames, reaching his hand out for you to take.

"Come on," he said with a smile. "Lets go home, (y/n)."  You took his hand.

Home. Lets go home.

((Hey guys! Most people picked William, and I didnt have the heart to kill either of the boys, so this happened.

I may have to end this book soon though, as I am really struggling to find new material and new ideas inside the cobwebby place that is my brain. But if I do end it, it'll be with a bang, I promise, and it'll be a happy thing with all the characters I can fit in, and that means all the characters, from seasons 1, 2 and 3, Book of Murder, maybe even Book of Atlantic if I can find time to watch it.

But more news on that later down the line.

And as always,

Until the next time,
Farewell my Lord/ Lady/ Friends

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