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((Only one person asked for a part 2 lol, but even I was unhappy with the cliffhanger, so I wrote this to tie everything up nicely. Enjoy!))

With tired eyes, you looked down at the beautiful little girl who was playing at your feet, her eyes wide and sparkling as she hugged the floppy rabbit teddy in her little arms. Your eyes then went to the large bump protuding through your loose top.

A year. That was how long it had been since you had lost your coveted freedom.

A year ago, the two people you hated more than anything on this corrupt Earth had found you and brought you back to their living hell. Thankfully, they hadnt harmed your daughter, who was much younger at the time, but the abuse they had inflicted on you only addes to the many scars you had.

But you had to stay strong for your daughter, who was already showing demonic signs. And... well, who knew when the next one would be born?

"(Y/n)?" You kept your eyes on your daughter as you heard the door creak open and a voice call out. You always ignored them, always focused on your baby girl. She was all that nattered to you. You were even able to say that you harboured a hatred towards the baby already in your womb. Hell, it never gave yiu reason to love it.

(Y/n)? When are you going to stop ignoring us? It cant happen forever you know." Ciel Phantomhive crawled onto the bed you were sat on and hugged you from behind. You said nothing, simply watching your daughter as she lifted the bunny teddy to show you. You tried your best to smile at her and managed it as she put the teddy back on the ground and stood up, waddling over to you for a hug. As you picked her up, you could feel Ciel's irritation. He growled.

"Stop ignoring me!" He roared as he slapped you. You fell to the ground, landing awkwardly to avoid hurting (d/n). She cried out and glared at Ciel.

"Bad!" She cried. "You bad! You hurt mama!" Ciel chuckled darkly.

"Daddy needed to punish mama though, princess, she was being naughty." Digust coiled in your stomach as you stood, clutching your daughter to you protectively.

"You are not her father," you spat. "You never have been and you never will be. I will not have my beautiful little girl refer to a disgusting, fucked-up demon like yourself as her father. She is my daughter, and she always will be." Ciel only laughed, his insanity showing clearly.

"Well who else will she call her father? Shes clearly my child, (y/n)." You growled.

"She will call no one her father, seeing as thats what is on her birth certificate. She only has my name on there as her mother. I didnt put any name on there for her disgrace of a father." Suddenly, Ciel lunged at you, snatching (d/n) from your grip and flinging her across the room. You screamed as she hit the wall and crumpled to the floor while Ciel started beating you.

"How dare you?!" He roared continuously. You tried turning your head and fighting against him to see if your daughter was okay, but you were no match for his demon strength.

"(D/n)! Are you okay?" You heard nothing in reply and renewed your struggles against Ciel. "Get off me! I want my daughter! I want to know if shes okay! Get off! Get off!" He only continued to scream obscenities at you.

But then he was suddenly thrown across the room. Your daughter stood there, looking much older than she was as she turned to you with tears in her eyes.

"Mama..." she said, suddenly collapsing to the floor and hugging you close, sobs wracking her body. "Im sorry mama, Im so sorry." Yiu held her close.

"Its okay darling, its okay. You dont need to be sorry." After a while, she pulled away and walked over to the locked window, smashing it and holding out her hand to you.

"Can we go mama? I can keep you safe, I promise. I dont want you to be hurt anymore." You nearly took her hand, but a sudden thought made you pull back.

"What about Sebastian?" You said in a hushed voice.

"Ciel killed him mama, hes dead." After that, you chuckled and stood up, hands protectively covering your bump as everything suddenly clicked.

"Dead, is he?" Your daughter nodded. "Just like you?" She widened her eyes, ans you saw a flash of crimson. So, you were right.

"You were never alive, were you? You were just a figment of my imagination the whole time, werent you?" You chuckled again. "Thing is, Sebastian, you picked the wrong body. You picked the body of my daughter after you fucking killed her." There was silence as your tears fell, before the thing that was your daughter began laughing.

"Well, you're not wrong. What gave it away?"

"My daughter never called me mama when we were alone. She never cried." Sebastian chuckled and you growled, suddenly rushing him and taking his head off in one clean cut, the knife that you had hidden in your dress finally coming in handy.

"Your senses had been dulled by your sick obsession, it seems." You muttered quietly, checking your very much real baby bump as the youngster kicked you. "Heh, its okay baby, mummy's taking you home now, mummys taking you somewhere safe." With that, you walked out of the room, and the derilict manor, talking softly to your baby all the way home.


"Mama? Can we have dinner yet?" You chuckled as the little boy clung on to your jeans, making puppy dog eyes at you as you kept on eye on the dinner and another on your son.

"You have to wait a little longer yet darling, dinner isnt ready yet." The little boy groaned, but let go of your leg and clambered up onto the kitchen island, settling down on his favourite seat and watching you as you gave the food one last check and then decided to leave it while the chicken finished cooking. You then joined your son at the island.

"So (s/n)," you said with a smile. "You said you had a question?" Your son nodded, but didnt smile. "Whats the matter?"

"Can you tell me now why you have all those scars? And why theres pictures of a girl who you said was your daughter, but I've never seen her and you never speak of her?" Your smile faded as a pain started up in your heart.

"Ah... yeah..." He looked at you expectantly. You sighed.

"Well... I guess you should know... but you're still a little too young yet, (s/n). Mayne when you're older. For now, why dont we have dinner?" Your son perked up at the mention of dinner and grabbed his cutlery with excitement.

"Yeah, yeah! Dinner time!" You laughed and dished up, settling down in your new life with your beautiful son, free of the demons who had plagued your life.

Sorry I couldnt be a good mother to you, (d/n). But its okay, I'll be better for your brother, half-demon or no.

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