Monster (Ciel x reader)

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Quick note: there will be swearing in this chapter, so if that's not your cup of tea, then you have been warned. Please don't skip this though because there's an important note at the end. Enjoy!


"You... What the hell, Ciel?!" Your eyes were wide with disbelief as you looked at the.... Thing before you. He tried to smile, but it faltered halfway to his face, leaving him with an awkward grimace.

And what was it that had incited you to call him a monster? Well, the dead body of a young girl who was similar in appearance to you laying in front of him, blood coating her and Ciel was a pretty good guess.

"You weren't supposed to see this, (Y/N)." You turned your gaze to Sebastian, his eyes glowing fuchisa as he looked at you with cruel amusement. You snarled.

"You mean I wasn't supposed to see you as the monsters you are?" You words were coated in poison and Ciel flinched as though they had physically hit him.

"Look, I can explain--" he tried to get closer but you swiftly moved away, ignoring the pain in your chest as you spoke.

"Don't touch me."


"Did you not just hear me?" Your voice was so cold even Elsa would have flinched, and you done nothing but glare at Ciel as you turned and walked away.

"(Y/N)! Please! I'm sorry!"

"Have a shitty life Ciel."


"I hope you die in a muddy hole somewhere."

"Just let me talk to you!"

"Or maybe burn in Hell-- wait, bit late for that really."


"Or have you? I mean, the first thing you think of when you hear about demons is Hell, but does that mean you've actually been there?" By now, you were talking aloud to yourself in an attempt to block out Ciel's voice and the intense pain in your chest that was slowly getting worse.

"Why won't you listen to me?!" You could hear the tears in his voice as he followed you from his study to the entrance hall.

"But then, saying that, how does someone actually become a demon? Better yet, where did the first demon even come from? Hell sounds like a pretty big place when you think about it, especially with all the--"


Oh, look at that... There was a sword in your midriff.

"Sebastian! What the hell you imbecilic demon?!" You chuckled drily as the sword was ripped out and you fell to the ground, blood creating a macabre puddle on the ground.

"Why are you shouting at him, Ciel?" You turned to him with a cruel smile, your heart dead even though it was still beating... For now. "Don't you know? Did you never read any stories as a child? The monster never gets what he wants, never gets the girl, never gets to be happy." Sebastian smirked.

"What about you then, (Y/N)? You're currently dying." You chuckled again.

"Yeah, but I didn't see much point in living anyway. Why should I when everything I've ever had was just destroyed? Smashed into tiny little pieces, far beyond repair." You slowly laid down, your cruel smirk softening into a sad smile.

"Hey, Ciel?" He was instantly by your side. "I hope when I go, that I see the old you, that I see the boy I fell in love with all those years ago, because it certainly isn't you." His face fell along with his tears as they gently hit your face, washing away some of the blood. As darkness approached, you gave one last smile and whispered your final words:

"Fuck you, akuma."


So... This didn't end how I expected it to if I'm honest.

Now, I have a question for you guys, do you prefer these oneshots — the ones I just randomly think of on the spot — or the ones I found on the tumblr blog — which were admittedly shorter and could sometimes not be updated for ages? Either way, drop your answer in the comments for me.

Until the next time,

Farewell my lord/lady/friend

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