The Train

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With a great huff of breath, you leapt from the dusty ground and into the train carriage, shuffling yourself inbetween a pair of crates and settling down for the long journey.

It was a long story that explained why you were hidden in a train, a long stort that you tried to ignore, but failed as the calm scenery wooshed past you. The constant click-clack of the train lulled you into a state of comfort as you let your mind wander where it wished, even to the darker memories from which you were running.

It was actually a mistake that had your feet pounding the concrete, your heart thudding like a steam-hammer in your chest most nights, a terrible mistake that had pushed you onto that train. You had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and as a result, had suffered dearly.

You remembered there being tall, with hair as dark as sin and claret eyes that glowed even in the darkest night. He was dressed casually, in dark clothing that easily hid the macabre spaltters of blood that covered him. A dead body was at his feet, easily the source of the blood.

You had thought he was alone, and so had decided to sneak away, turning around silently and holding your breath as you crept through an alley, keeping to the walls. But you were proved wrong as you came to see a young man stood in the exit of the alley. His blue eyes shimmered unnaturally in the low light.

It didnt appear he had noticed you, seeing as he hadnt said anything or even moved an inch. He just stood there while you stood around the corner, wondering what you were going to do. You couldnt just walk past him, because it seemed he was working with the tall guy with crimson eyes, and he might think you're an escaped victim.

In the end, you searched around in the dark for a ladder and climbed the rickety metal until you were up on the roof. Even though it was unlikely that they would look up here, you stayed careful and stayed away from the edges, least you were seen. It was from there that things went downhill.

You were contemplating scaling down the wall on the opposite side, allowing you freedom as long as the guy with blue eyes didnt look over, when you heard the softest whisper of a noise behind you. You automatically dove to the side as a silver knife shot past you, aimed perfectly for your head.

Snapping your --thankfully untouched -- head around, you saw both guys sauntering along. The one with claret eyes was grinning sadistically. The one with azure eyes was looked decidedly bored. Both looked like they wanted you dead.

"Enjoy the show?" Claret Eyes spoke as he stopped a good few feet anyway from you, his eyes glowing in the light of the moon. You stayed quiet.

"Sebastian, this is boring, do something about it." Azure Eyes spoke the Claret, now known to be Sebastian, as he stared at his gloved hand in distaste.

"Very well, master Ciel." Sebastian bowed to Azure, who appeared to be Ciel before turning to you with gleeful murder scribbled all over him. Your heart began to thud as you walked backwards. Should you?

He was advancing on you pretty fast, and your feet were nearing the edge of the building too. If you took any longer to decide, then you would die.

So you quickly turned and leapt off the building, grabbing a windowsil and clamping your mouth shut to stop the screams of pain from being ripped from your throat. Your arm felt like it was being ripped off, but it would heal given time. A hole through your brain wouldnt.

So with your mouth still clamped shut and blood dribbling down your chin from biting your lip too hard, you scaled down the building with apparent ease, dropping off near the bottom and taking one final look at Ciel and Sebastian. They both glared down at you with the promise of a slow and painful death.

Well shit.

Your feet began pounding the concrete soon after, your heart thudding as you tore back to your home and shoving anything you might need in a bag, from clothing to food to even weapons. Chances are they would catch you at some point, you just wanted to preserve your freedom for as long as you could.

So you grabbed your bag and walked out of your home, immediatly heading for somewhere you could hide safely and easily.

By now, it had been weeks. Weeks of you running. But you had rarely seen Sebastian or Ciel, and both seemed busy. Something told you they had a plan, but you couldnt figure it out for the life of you. Hah... bad joke.

So you shifted slightly so you could see out of the train, watching the scenery go past with a soft smile as you enjoyed your first taste of peace and quiet for weeks.

"Clever, very clever, miss (l/n), but you see, not clever enough." Your heart juddered and your blood frose as Sebastian spoke from behind you. Not long after, his arms snaked around you, entrapping you as you began to flail and struggle. Ciel watched from the sidelines with amusment.

"Let go of me!" You yelped as you were thrown against the wall of the carriage, sliding down and landing with a grunt. You pushed yourself up and glared at Sebastian. He merely smirked.

"It was a good idea to get on this train, seeing as nobody seems to know where it goes, but did you think we wouldnt find out? We know what awaits us at the end of the tracks, and what you were running towards." You stood slowly, your eyes slowly darkening as you shed your fake persona.

"So you found out, well done. I suppose you demons arent as dumb as I was led to believe." You leant against the wall rather casually, folding your arms.

"It wasnt exactly a mystery." You snorted.

"It was, but I guess you foul creatures have your ways. Full of murder and sin, I presume?" From on top of a nearby crate, Ciel chuckled.

"As if you're one to speak? Arent you essentially an abomination?" You sneered, baring your teeth like an animal.

"An abomination with powerful friends, demon, you will do well to remember that." Your eyes stayed on the demons as you walked to the edge of the train. It was nearly time now.

"Tell me. Why is it that you're hunting me? I only witnessed a murder, nothing less, nothing more. You had no reason to believe I would snitch. Plus, you cant have caught my scent either, I've spent a lot of time perfecting it."

"No, your scent is still hard to pick up even now. But Sebastian rarely lets people go if they become a witness." Ciel sighed and regarded his finger nails as you smiled softly. The train had reached the end of it's journey.

But before you could jump off, two slim hands suddenly grabbed you and threw you further into the train. You cried out as you hit another wall, a loud crack resounding. Your body fell to the ground limply. Sebastian had broken your spine, leaving you unable to move anything but your upper body.

"Well, Sebastian? We havent got all day you imbecile. Grab her before she heals herself." Both demons looked at you as you tried to hold yourself up while muttering something under your breath. Mist filled the carriage and hid you from sight.

Anger filled you as a loud crack rang out and you stood, your spine sore, but fixed as you glared at the two demons. They quickly saw you, your eyes glowing unnaturally in the mist.

"You know not what you are messing with, Ciel Phantomhive. This is something much bigger than you and your mangy mutt. I would suggest you quit and leave before you get seriously hurt beyond healing."

The mist cleared, and you were gone.

((Sorry this is a bit late guys, o ran out of data like a dunce))

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