Winter's Grasp

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((This is entirely gender neutral, and is all up to your own mind, place whatever you wish wherever you wish))

Snow fell gently, tiny little crystals of pure cold floating down in the night's frigid air to gently rest upon the white layer on the forest floor. Small snowflakes would occasionally catch on your clothing as you swanned along, leaving no trail behind as your feet barely brushed along the snow.

Winter was always your favourite season, with snow covering everything like an icy blanket and turning everywhere into silent pictures. It allowed your mind to wander freely without restraint or distraction.

"You called?" You turned, seeing the one you had wished to see for so long stood there with a smile on their face.

"Yes," you said with a smile, waltzing over. "I did. I have something for you." They looked at you quizzically and you couldnt help but laugh. For someone who could be so dangerous, they really was cute.

"Christmas is approaching," you said softly, looking up at the cloudy sky droppig snowflakes. "I wished to give you a present. It may be a little early, but nonetheless..." You looked at them again, your smile never wavering as you began walking deeper into the forest, gesturing at your loved one to follow. They did with a small smile.

Yes, your lover could be dangerous, but so could you. Winter was your favourite for a reason.

Nobody believed the story of Winter's Ruler was true. Nobody belived that you were true, waltzing effortlessly through the snow, your feet leaving no mark behind you and commandig over an entire season. But that didnt matter to you.

"Where are we going?" You chuckled again, turning your head slightly, letting the pale light that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere glitter off the crown atop your head, made of frosty metal with ice encrusted jewels sparkling even in the darkest night.

"Not much further, you'll enjoy this, I promise."

Together, you walked deep into the woods, far away from the prying and poisonous eyes of society and into the true heart of the forest. Thankfully you didnt come across Nature's Mother, having spoken to her earlier in the day to ask her to stay away.

"Are we there yet?" You chuckled, stopping in a large clearing where a neatly wrapped box sat upon a tree stump, the present completely untouched by the snow which fell relentlessly.

"Is this for me?" You nodded, gesturing to the present with a smile.

"Its all yours," your voice was uncharacteristically warm for the embodiment of winter, but your lover only smiled, going over to the present and opening it carefully. Your smile grew as they lifted the lid of the box to reveal what was within.

"A stone?" You laughed, a melodic sound that sounded like the tinkling of ice. Your eyes slid shut momentarily as you shook your head fondly.

"Not quite. With that stone, simply hold it and think of my name whenever you need me, be it good or bad, and I will hear it, and come to you. Dont forget I cant always be here, I wear this crown for a reason, silly." There was silence for a while until you felt a tugging in your chest, incessant but familiar. You sighed gently, waltzing over to your lover and leaving a gentle kiss on their cheek.

"You're leaving?" They looked at you sadly, leaving you to nod slowly.

"Im needed by my kingdom. But I will return as soon as I can leave. I fear it will not be for while, however," your voice turned sad, then bitter as your expression darkened. "War is imminent at the moment, the Summer Kingdom is being ruled by an ignorant child who descrates the crown she wears and disgraces her people." The wind around you picked up, swirling in a malestrom of ice and snow, catching at your hair and lifting it, giving you a feral look.

"How long will you be gone?" You calmed yourself, giving a final smile to your lover before turning and walking away, your words echoing in the frozen air.

"As long as I can bear to be."


((Little extra! I do apologise that this isnt gender neutral like before, but this also acts as a small excerpt from something else I'm writing. I like linking my stories))

"My queen! What the hell are you doing?!" I ignored the soldiers behind me as I slid off my horse, copying Callida as she done the same. Together we walked to the center of the battlefield in the full regalia of two queens, both with the potential to be great.

Callida snarled as she looked at my crown, the headpiece glittering in the light as I looked down at her. It wasnt hard, as my regalia was much more elaborate than hers, a scourge I seeked to change, but it was against the rules even for me.

"You have disgraced that crown, Eira." I sighed deeply, looking at the girl I once called my friend.

"No, I havent, but you have forced me to take this path in order to save my people." I raised my hand, snow and ice swirling as a sword was formed in my grip, the icy blade reflecting my tired eyes as I readied myself. Before me, Callida snarled and summoned her own blade of fire.

"You think you can defeat me? Fire melts ice you idiot!" With her small crown, she looked no less than a child playing dress-up with baby clothes.

"Ice can burn just as much as any fire and you know that."

There was then only the sound of metal clashing as the two queens fought for their own desires, one for her kingdom, one for her hunger for power.

Through the years of power they had shared, one had only grown to be more loving and kind, placing her people before all else. The other allowed her heart to grow darker, allowing the flames to take over, turning her into a monster.

"Just die and let me save your kingdom!" Callida snarled, her fighting becoming sloppier as time went on.

"No," I said softly. "My people trust me and I will not betray that trust."

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