My New Book

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Some people fear what they dont understand. Some accept it. But some research it to their heart's delight, and only to their's regardless of the consequences.

And we're the ones that sometimes have to sacrifice it all to save those affected by the consequences.


Before me, he stood tall and proud and absolutely terrifying. The moonlight almost seemed to be absorbed by his huge feathery limbs, and his grin was sickening as he glared down at me. He already knew he'd won once I hit the ground.

I had looked forward to getting home. Had dreamt of when I'd be able to burst through my front door and just launch myself at my mother in a tearful hug, throwing "I love you"'s around so much... I had wanted that day for so long, now that I was free of all restraints...

But these people... I loved them all. Even Sebastian, who could be so sickeningly cruel, and Ciel who was like a brother to me, and of course the servants, who were my best friends... I adored them all, and I couldnt let them suffer... I couldnt let them lose -- even if it meant losing me.

After all, a Phantomhive maid who cant protect her household isnt worth her salt.

So with a grunt and a grimace, I slowly pushed myself up, my own golden wings shining in the moonlight as I lifted my staff and glared at the one who was to take my home away.

"Still fighting?" He sneered. I snarled.

"For my family? Always."


So there you go! Its taking me a while because I keep deleting chapters I dont like and rewriting things, but Im getting there ever so slowly.

What do you guys think?

For some weird reason even Im excited for it, even though I know the ending and everything thats going on. Im weird like that.

Anyways, dont forget to leave your thoughts and as always

Until the next time,
Farewell my Lord/Lady/Friends!


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