keeping you updated

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Hey guys, its been a while, huh? Im sorry about that, but I thought I would write you all this to let you know whats going on.

So, I've finally got some help, I think, but from what I've heard, the people I've been referred to are pure shit, so thats up in the air at the moment, but its still a step in the right direction I guess, even if it is a bit late. Because, Im gonna be honest with you all, Im starting to become suicidal, because Im losing all live I had for this world, and Im not seeing the point of staying anymore, I mean, why the fuck should I when all I see and hear is death and destruction and pain and sorrow and terror?

But Im going to try clinging on, mainly because Im almost being emotionally blackmailed into it by my own fucking mother, but thats why I dont talk to her about this.

In the meantime, Im going to hopefully be posting something else, a full explanation if whats going on for you guys, with a very special and heartfelt message that I know I need sometimes, so I decided if I couldnt hear it from anyone, I would make damn fucking sure you guys could, because i know sometimes its all you need to give you a little bit of hope.

But yeah, this is only a quick update jsut to let you lot know whats going on and what will happen, so, thats it for now.

Never forget Im always proud of you guys, and I love you.

Until the next time,
Farewell my lords/ladies/friends


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