I Failed... (Competing bad end)

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((Sweet Queen of England this has turned into a yandere one shot wtf))

"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me." - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

You smiled and hummed softly as you tended to the plants round the back of the manor. It had been 3 months since you had left the circus and although Ciel said you wasn't one of his servants, you still loved to help tend the plants.

"Miss? The young master is calling for you, he says he has to speak to you urgently." You looked up from a creamy white rose to see Finny running over, his straw hat bouncing up and down.

"Is he? Ah, okay, do you think you can finish up here then, Finny?" The young lad smiled and took the small shears from you, waving you away and continuing where you left off. So with another smile, you gathered your skirts and left to go and see what the Earl wanted.

The corridors were quiet as you walked along, the huge paintings hung either side creeping you out ever so slightly. It had been 3 months and you still weren't used to the eerie feeling that seemed to linger in every room except the one where the servants were.

"You called for me, Ciel?" The young Earl looked up as you entered his study, a pen clutched in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.

"Yes, its about the Noah's Ark Circus." Your eyes widened slightly at that, what could this have to do with them?

"What about them?" You asked softly.

"They seem reluctant to let you go so easily, I've received an anonymous tip that they're planning a surprise visit." You sat down on the chair in front of Ciel's desk and nodded.

"I already know what you're going to do, so I won't try and stop you. I've always failed before." This time Ciel nodded, albeit more sadly.

"I want you to keep hidden and out of sight. The servants can handle themselves as you have seen so there is no reason to worry about them."

"What about you?"

"I have other business to attend to in regards to the circus, and so Sebastian and I won't be here for the night." You nodded and stood up, intending to find a pile of books to hide away with for the night. Well, you certainly weren't going to be able to sleep, so you figured you may as well get yourself lost in a good book.

"Right, just be careful, okay Ciel?" The Earl nodded and you left for the library.

To be honest, you really missed the circus performers, but they had killed Beast! And not to mention plenty of other people. You may have hated villainous nobles, but living with Ciel was much better than living among people who could be killed simply for waving to you.

The library comforted you with its familiar smell of paper and ink as you scouted out your favourite book... there! Jane Eyre, right where you left her!

So you grabbed your book and went back to your room, ready to hide away from the people you once called family.


"The little one should be somewhere in this manor, so 'e keep a close eye out Dagger." Joker looked over to the blond by his side who was throwing and catching his knives.

"Of course, I wouldn't dare hurt her, you keep an eye out too, Joker. We all know how your temper is worse than mine." The ringleader said nothing.

With a dark grin, the two started off towards the manor, the rest of the first tier members following close behind.


"Oi, Finny! You're up!" Bard lit a cigarette and took a long drag as he looked out the kitchen window. The gardner nodded and went out, two huge statues in each hand. The cook sighed and leant against the table, wondering if this would be the time when they failed. It was inevitable, really. Sebastian wasn't here to clean up their mistakes, and they had the lovely miss (Y/N) to look after too...

Bard shook his head, preparing the circus members' final meal. No, they would succeed, they were Phantomhive servants.

A loud crash indicated that it was Bard's turn as he grabbed his masterpiece and stamped out his cigarette. Time to shine.


You stayed silent as you waited. You were in a secret room in your bedroom. The little hatch you had slipped through was under the unmoved bed and through the cracks in the floorboards you would be able to see the light of day, when it arrived.

From downstairs you could hear crashes and bangs as the servants done their job. You smiled, at least you were in good hands.

So you returned to your book, making sure your candle was close enough to blow out but far enough it wouldn't burn your book.

You smiled but it froze as you heard your door open. With a silent breath you blew out your candle and grabbed the dagger that Mey-Rin had given you, pointing it at the hatch.

"Joker, it don't look like shes in here. Could he have taken her with him?"

"No, the little one is in here. She wasn't in the carriage, and she hasn't been hidden anywhere else." You jumped silently as the bed was moved and you prayed they wouldn't see the edge of the-

"Hey, Joker, what's that?"

"A door."

"Let's open it, shall we?" You moved back, the knife still pointed as the door was opened and a familiar face appeared.

"Hello, little one," Joker said.

You was then dragged kicking and screaming out of your hiding place, managing to stab Joker in the arm and sprawling on the floor, quickly scrambling up. Dagger looked from Joker's wound to you in surprise.

"Just living here has changed you, my lady." You snarled, your hands shaking.

"I won't go back with you. I live here now." Joker smiled darkly

"You live with a villainous noble, little one." You nodded.

"I know, but you killed people just because they got too close to me! Ciel doesn't, he always has a decent reason, even if I don't always understand." Both boys glared at you and you had a second to prepare yourself before Dagger launched at you, wrestling you to the ground.

The knife went skidding away and Joker walked over, sliding out his own knife. Fear clutched your heart.

"He's already corrupted 'ee, little one, there's nothing to be done expect set 'ee free." The blade glinted as it was risen, and you shut your eyes.

You cried out as you felt the pain of being stabbed in your chest and the warmth of your blood escaping you. In that moment, you was amazed you could hate someone you used to love as violently as you did.

"Goodbye, little one." Joker lightly kissed your forehead as Dagger strokes your hair, both watching the twin streams of blood coming from each corner of your mouth.

You vision faded and darkened as you heard shouts of your name from a certain blue-eyed Earl who burst in the room just in time to see you smile weakly at him as you breathed your last.


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