Bored (Modern! Alois Trancy)

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((Another valentine's special, sorry it's so late guys!))

Alois was bored.

Not just genrally bored, because he could always find a way to entertain him. No, he was really bored, like so bored he could barely handle it.

With a deep sigh, he leant back in his chair and surveyed the scene before him.

This part of London could be quite beautiful on the right day -- which it was today -- hence why he was here. But normally, Alois could always find a beautiful young lass to entertain him, to keep occupied for a short while. But he didnt do the nasty with them and then leave, he merely flirted a bit, maybe gave them a chaste kiss or two before leaving them with no more than a few blurred memories. But since... Well, since that day... Things had been different.

Any young lady he seduced, he only saw your face, any voice he heard, it was yours. Everything was about you now, and because of that he found it hard to be with any pretty lady, but now he was bored, and the only one who could cure that boredom, was you.

But you weren't there.

You were far, far away. Far from the reach of Alois. Your fiance, Ciel Phantomhive, had taken you away to Venice where you would be safe from him, where you could never see him again. God, did he hate it, and your fiance.

With another deep sigh, Alois stood up and began to walk back home. It was a small but cosy house, just enough for him and one other person -- though not Claude.

Alois snarled as he thought about the demon who betrayed him. After that, he had faked his death and ran away, breaking the contract and starting a small but nice life for himself. Not.ling after he'd found his perfect little home, a strange old woman had found him and gave him a strange little bottle and a creepy laugh. The bottle had some strange liquid in it that had apparently frozen his body in time, leaving him the same age as when he drunk it.

But, what did it matter? You were gone. Gone, gone, gone, gone! Gone for good and he couldn't do anything about it! Your heart wasn't his, though his was most definitely yours.

But it didn't matter.

Because you weren't there.

So he continued walking home, eyes on the ground as he walked up the street, sadness weighing his heart down as he walked. What would he do? Maybe travel to America? Yeah, they had some interesting places there, or maybe Australia, or even--

"Hey Alois, hows life been treating you?" He froze. He knew that voice. That voice haunted him, followed him everywhere. With a slow, deliberate motion, he looked up, icy blue eyes widening even more.

It was you.

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