His Story

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You sniffled as you walked down the alley. You had gotten into a huge fight with your parents and ended up running away for a couple hours.

Ahead if you there was a little shop, a doll shop to be exact. You stood for a moment, taking in the porcelain beauty of the dolls.

The inside of the shop wasn't that different, pretty dolls lined the shelves, no dust gathering yet there was a calmness and quietness you liked. Almost as if-

"My Lady, you have been crying, is something wrong?" You turned to see Drocell, his head tilted in that funny way of his.

"Yeah, I had an argument with mother and father. They want me to continue with my sword training, but I don't want to." He stared at you for a short while before sitting by the fireplace.

"Come," he said. "Sit by the fire and warm up." A weak smile appeared on your face.

"Thanks Drocell." He smiled in return and gestured to the many dolls around.

"Are you ready to hear a tale, My Lady?"

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