Chapter sixty seven

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(Your name)'s POV:

The whole audience gasped at your answer. Phillip and Holly frozen in shock, "Aston Merrygold done it?" Holly asked, but you became confused. The whole public only know you because dated Aston, they had no idea that you was with Miles to begin with. "Aston?" You asked confused "yeah, he is your ex," Holly replied being confused herself "oh, you don't know about Miles, do you?" You replied as they shook their heads "I mean my ex, ex... Aston never done anything, Miles did it!" You said lying to the whole nation "so Aston..." "Aston didn't do anything! Gosh no, he was trying to help... What actually happened was, me and Aston were enjoying each other's company, but then Miles came in and attacked me," you said making it up as you went along.

"Well the E-Mails are racing in and one of the questions are: if Miles done the attack, why did you and Aston break up?" Phillip asked you "well, we actually went on a break, but I mentioned it as I had to mentally get over the attack, but I knew Aston would get bored, so I allowed him to go and have fun," you smiled "aww," Holly smiled as did Phillip "next question: why was Aston apologising so much if he didn't do the attack?" "He felt as though he didn't protect me enough and that he could have done more to stop the attack," you smiled. These questions were so easy to answer to cover up what actually happened! "Okay, three more questions to go!" Phillip said "has the attack ruined your chances of having kids?" "I don't know, I will have to go to the doctor for that, hopefully it hasn't," you smiled weakly, hoping that it hasn't, but Phillip and Holly could see your pain. "Why do you think Miles attacked you?" "Maybe because he was jealous that me and Aston were dating!" You giggled as Holly smiled, while Phillip asked you the next question "when will you and Aston get back together?" As soon as that question left his lips, it struck you... You and Aston may never get back together, he might never leave Diana, he might marry her and have kids with her, and be happy with her for the rest of his life, where you would have no one to love as much as him and that all you could do, is think about how Diana would feel to have such a man to live for the rest of her life with! While thinking that tears were brimming in your eyes, which felt like the whole nation was giving you sympathy "err..." You started as you sniffled "I don't know... We might never get back together, I mean he is with someone now," you sniffled again "do you want him back?" Holly asked you softly and quietly "yeah," you said quietly, before eventually breaking down in to soft tears...

Aston's POV:

What? She told the whole nation that it was Miles? I couldn't help, but grin over the fact she covered me up! "Mate, you are lucky," Oritsé chuckled, as did I while we watched the rest of the programme, but as easy as my grin was put on... It wiped away as the question "when will you and Aston get back together?" Was asked. She didn't say anything for about a minute, but I saw the tears fill up in his eyes before saying "err... I don't know... We might never get back together, I mean he is with someone now," that answer made me feel so bad for being with Diana! "Ast..." I heard Nicole ask for my attention that I gave as the group was looking at me, as (Your name) has just answered Holly's question "get back with (Your name)... She's obviously in too much pain being without you," Nicole said quietly, but I didn't say anything instead... I got up and walked out...

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