Chapter forty seven

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Kirsti’s POV:

A couple weeks had passed and everyone was at the beach, just mucking about and having loads of fun. Since the incident with Aston and (Your name) there has been nothing, but jokes, laughter and loads of banter! It was just back to how everything was, although the slight upsetting thing was... (Your name) and Aston were no longer a couple, just back to their single lives. The whole public found out about that, at least two days after they declared ‘going on a break’.

Although, with everyone being at the beach today; laughing, playing tag, running around, running in and out of the sea, you wouldn’t even think or believe that (Your name) and Aston had broken up, their hands seemed inseparable from each other, even right now of me and Olly laying on our towels watching everyone muck about, (Your name) was laughing with Aston, watching Marvin getting soaked by Mimi squirting him with a water gun, but Aston’s arms were around (Your name)’s waist from the side, although Marvin wasn’t happy about them two laughing at him, so they both ran off holding hands. You’d still thing that they were dating “why did they break up? I know what he done was horrible, but still... Look at them, you can still feel the love between them,” I said to Olly as he mumbled in agreement “they’ll get back together, don’t worry... Before you know it, she’ll be squeezing out his babies,” he said making me giggle, as we both got back to relaxing peacefully. Although a few seconds later a wet body was pressed down on to mine, making me gasp as I was stunned away from my sun bathing “hello honey,” Jackson winked, as I smiled “you’re wet,” I said, which made him wink “cheeky,” “I didn’t mean it in that way... Jeez you dirty minded boy,” I scolded playfully, before pressing my lips on to his “did not wanna see that,” I heard a voice beside us, making me instantly think that it was Olly, when in fact it was Marvin! Just standing beside of Marvin was Aston and (Your name) standing close, but with her giggling as he whispered something in her ear, as his hands were on her waist, even though I was still brought away from what I wanted to do, by Jackson kissing the flesh behind my ear.

“Come on babe, come with me... Come for a swim,” Jackson begged as I gave in, “sure go on then,” I giggled as he smiled, but we held hands as we walked down to the water, soon enough we got there and both started to have a casual swim, but I felt two arms slip around my waist, making me instantly wrap my legs around his waist “give us a kiss,” he winked as I smiled, before placing my lips down on to his, but we could hear wolf whistling “GET IN THERE BRUV,” we heard Aston shout over to us, but Jackson pulled away and winked at me “watch this... GO AND FUCK (YOUR NAME),” he shouted back, as Aston stood there blank, but (Your name) happened to be walking near him, making him look at her weirdly, then check her out “YEAH, MAYBE I WILL,” Aston shouted back, as I raised an eyebrow “he won’t,” Jackson said to me making me giggle, but then we saw Aston walk over to (Your name) and slap her bum, but she turned around and chased him over to a private part of the beach, where no one goes and suddenly hide behind a rock, although I shot a look at Jackson “are they gonna do it?” I asked him, but he smirked “do you wanna find out?” He asked as I nodded.

We swam extremely fast out of the beach and ran right up to the rock and climbed on to it to see the other side, but we stayed low so they couldn’t see us, although we couldn’t see them. “Oh Aston... Harder, ah fuck Aston!” She gasped with pleasure, “yes, (Your name)... Ah baby, you feel so fucking good in there... Ah baby!” He gasped, as me and Jackson giggled, but then Aston stood up so that he was eye level with us “you honestly think we’re stupid,” Aston said, as (Your name) started giggling as she stood up to, making me and Jackson blush “HA! At least we caught you out,” he smirked, but Jackson pounced on to him as they wrestled in the sand, but I continued to lay on the rock as (Your name) placed her right index finger on her lips, before giggling and making her way over to Aston, as he was wrestling Jackson while being on top, but (Your name) smacked Aston’s bum, making a loud connection noise “OW... Bloody bitch, get back here,” he said leaving Jackson to run leaving him to chase her, but Jackson came back and joined me “why did they break up? They are just perfect for each other,” I sighed, as the whole group had then climbed on to the rocks to watch (Your name) and Aston muck about, by trying to slap each other’s bums. It was funny though! After a few more moments of watching them, Aston managed to get (Your name) on the sand, and climbed over her, but there seemed to be a moment for them two, as it looked like they were staring in to each other’s eyes “kiss her, kiss her,” the whole group started to chant, but whispered, just then Aston placed his lips delicately on to (Your name)’s making the whole group cheer, but quietly... As (Your name) and Aston, both enjoyed a little make out with each other...

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