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♥ acting like l o v e r s ♥

As funny as it was, staring at her with her mouth wide open as though she was ready to some job blowing, I kept my lips pressed tightly together and shoved my phone close to my chest when she tried grabbing my phone away without hesitation.

If she touches my phone, I'm not only going to change my phone cover―I'm going to sanitize my phone for like, over three hours to get her disgusting germs away.

And despite my melodramatic personality, that, I'm not kidding.

"Justin," she quickly added on, turning her head to face Justin, who had his eyebrows lifted. "Whatever she's going to let you hear, isn't true. Okay?" Her desperation made me want to laugh forever. "You gotta believe me." She pleaded; her eyes begging his to understand and believe her.

Justin began furrowing his eyebrows while his arms were still in akimbo. "Piage, I haven't even heard it. What are you panicking for?" His eyebrows furrowed deeper, if it was even possible. "Unless you meant what you say. . ." Now his tone wasn't so soft anymore.

Not being able to contain myself, I let out a breath before cracking up laughing at the sight right before my eyes.

Shooting me a glare, I held my phone in the air and waved it at her as a smirk found its way up to my lips. I knew she wanted me to drop my head and face the ground in shame, all sad, but it's just too bad she doesn't know the way I live life.

Justine Kaye absolutely doesn't back down easily.

"Honey," I sighed, flashing her sympathetic smile. "Don't force me to play it for everyone to see. Don't you wish to become famous?"

"Shut up, bitch. I wasn't talk to you!" She hissed lowly, glaring at me harder than before.

"One more time you call me a bitch, though," I innocently poked on the play button, "I'll let this roll on until the end. Want that?"

"No!" She shrieked, trying to take it away. "Please off it!"

Chuckling for a second, I poked on the stop button and shoved it into my pocket. "I don't see why you're so scared. I mean, after all you didn't mean your words. . . did you?"

She caught the devil inside of my eyes and ignored me before averting her gaze back to Justin's. She drew in a deep shar breath. "Justin, do you believe me?" She asked, the hope in her voice so evident that I was afraid they would die after learning his answer.

Justin remained quiet, and in an instant, she had her tone switched to state quiver. "So you'd prefer believing her. . ." She asked; a bothering frown playing on her face, on display to the whole crowd. It made her face look scrunched up in a disgusting manner.

"Well, yeah," Justin answered with a light shrug of his shoulders. "She's my best friend, and I've known her for years. Why wouldn't I believe her?" Draping an arm around my shoulders, he pulled me closer to him and I fought off the urge inside of me to blush.

Good to know he trusts me more than her? Even if there shouldn't even be a comparison, but.

"What," she let out an incredulous breath, "I can't believe you. I can't believe this!" Grabbing her purse off the table, she stomped away from the table; not bothering to give us a second glance. Well, I honestly hope she'll be gone for like, ever.

Bursting out laughing once she was near the door, I turned to Justin and threw my arms around his neck, squeezing him so tightly that I could safely say that this was the actual first time I've ever hugged him so tightly.

I'm Not Sorry: A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now