Twenty Two

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s e x - r e l a t e d ♥

"So, you guys are one of the cutest couples alive and I'm sure you already know that, clearly," Mom began, "but the both of us are mothers, and we're just worried that the both of you would be clueless about this topic."

"Um, in case you forget, Allison, I'm seventeen," Justin chuckled, sending her a small shake of head. "And, I'm a guy to top it all off. I think I would know more about this than anyone in this room."

"But, have you actually done it before?" Pattie continued in a threatening tone; the warning behind her voice sending the hair on the back of my neck to rise. I didn't even dare to look at her. Or Mom. Or anyone.

"Um, no," Justin admitted, slouching his shoulders, sinking back down on the sofa. "Carry on, please."

"Okay, Justine, you're going to start taking birth control pills as soon as I manage to squeeze time out to get it," Mom stated clearly, "it's just a precaution, nothing more than that."

"I don't have a problem with that," I truthfully answered, nodding along when she nodded once.

Letting out a breath, Pattie began speaking now. "The both of you claimed that you'll lose your virginity only after marriage, but I'm guaranteeing that the both of you would definitely lose it earlier than expected, so here's some things you need to be aware of."

Word after word of explaining about the do's and don't's, I pursed my lips in, sighing quietly as I tried to memorize every knowledge about sex there is to know, that was being stuffed into my head forcefully.

And then we eventually moved on to the more detailed parts of it, and goddamn, I wish I wasn't even a girl now.

I think it took us about thirty minutes to get everything done and over with, which made me feel relieved, but at the same time, terrified because it sounded painful and harmful. . .

After much talk about SEX, now I'm quite terrified of that word.

"You may g-" Pattie got cut off by Justin and I.

Justin carried me bridal style, and then sprinted towards the stairs and into my room.

He gently threw me on the bed, then he sighed and laid down next to me.

"Now I'm kind of scared of having sex." I said frankly.

"I know right? Ditto." He replied.

"I'm bored." I blurted out, suddenly.

Justin grinned and sat up. "Then why don't we have..."

"DON'T. Even think about it." I said and did the 'talk to the hand' action.

"You haven't even heard me out!" He laughed.

"Okay, then what?" I felt a little embarrassed.

"Why don't we have a movie night? Since the tour's gonna start soon, we won't be having much time for such things." He shrugged.

"Good idea! Go pick out a movie."

"A Walk To Remember? The Notebook? Or Bridesmaid?"

"Bridesmaid, baby!" I laughed. ****

"May I just say..." Justin started at the end of the movie.

"The movie left me speechless." I blinked a few times.

"Ditto." He replied and we both stared at the screen for a few minutes.

"Let's watch Gossip Girl." Justin said and then placed the CD in. ***

"Wow, he honked her boobs." I pulled a face.

"I wonder how it's like," Justin said seriously.

"You fucking perv!" I laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

"I'm just an hormonic seventeen year old boy! Cut me some slack, babe." He laughed.

I'm Not Sorry: A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now