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confessions and t r u t h s ♥

I gulped and slowly turned to Pattie, eyeing her before darting my eyes to mom with a horrified-slash-embarrassed look masked over my face.

I started shaking my head, but Justin just laughed that question off, squeezing my hand. "You both are dating, right?" Pattie asked eagerly, with a huge, huge smile plastered on her face; the hope evident in her voice, cracking a piece of my heart knowing she wanted the both of us to date, badly.

At the same time, I felt rather painful for her, because it seemed like her cheeks were falling off from smiling that hard.

I shook my head again, "We're―" I got cut off, though.

"Actually, yes, we are," Justin butted in, with a grin playing on his face. Pattie and my mom hopped off the couch and started squealing, and laughing, and I don't know. . . doing their age dance? Oh, gosh. I didn't even see that coming, for God's sake.

"When were we a couple?" I hissed lowly, through gritted teeth, staring at him at the corner of my eye. "Justin Bieber," I growled. "If there weren't kids on our laps right now, I swear I'd kick your b―"

"Look at me," he simply instructed me, making turn to him with a glare.

Chuckling probably at my childish state, he slowly inched his face closer to mine; his light brown eyes glistening under the lighting of the room, staring deep into my eyes as though searching for something.

I froze, just as my mind went black at how close his face was right before mine. I know he refused to allow our lips come into contact because he was waiting for me to reject, but. . . I couldn't.

a) I think I'm fucking in love with him.

b) I was so frozen in spot that I couldn't push him away.

c) I secretly wanted him to kiss me as well, but I wouldn't admit it aloud.

As his eyes flickered down to my lips, I gulped when he brought his face closer to mine, this time tilting his head upwards slightly so that our lips were brushing―merely. Smirking slightly, he whispered, "Now."

And then his lips were square on mine.

I couldn't register the feel of them on mine, but I did feel tingles running down my body the moment they touched, as he quickly pulled away before it even reached to seconds. It was like. . . a quick peck that made me feel something, yet not be able to feel his lips.

But damn, his lips tasted like chocolate mint, what the hell?

But fucking hell, Justin just bloody kissed me, how do I even come to say how excited I am? I can't. I would be too girly, god.

Blinking at him, stunned, I watched as his smirk grew; the twins beginning their round of joy dancing by bouncing up, bouncing down, bouncing up, and bouncing down. Then they clasped their hands together and stared at the both of us with like, practically the same look on, making me blink yet again.

It's really weird how twins does things at the same time and the same rate. All the time.

Almost forgetting the fact that our mothers were there too, I almost felt motivated to dig myself up a hole to die inside it. This was utterly humiliating! Not to mention that was my. . . Well, first kiss.

"I saw that kiss!" Pattie squealed, giggling loudly to herself as she stopped to stare at both Justin and me. 

"Oh my gosh! It's so sweet!" Mom exclaimed this time, making me purse my lips in; eyes squeezed shut. I palm smacked my forehead before sighing, trying to calm the beating of my heart down from overexerting itself.

Out of the blue though, Jonah gripped onto my shirt, and hid his face into my chest, hugging me tightly. I felt his whole body shaking slightly so I looked down in fear that he was going to fall ill or something. But instead, I saw him in a state where he looked like he was ready to cry.

"Aw, baby, what's wrong?" I reached for his hair and ran my long fingers through the curly brown strands. "Don't cry, love!"

"Don't forget me, okay?" He said in his adorable little baby voice with a layer of tears in his eyes, making me pout slightly, feeling a familiar pinch at the back of my eyes.

"I won't, baby. I won't," I smiled and kissed his head. "You're my baby brother! How can I forget you?"

Before Jonah could respond, Justin interjected playfully. "By right, you're so having my child in the future," he joked, leaning to my side to plant a kiss on my cheek. I pursed my lips in and grumbled, even though I was internally dying at his words. No lie.

Pattie came up behind him, and slapped the back of his head sternly, making both Jonah, Jenna and I to break out into giggles. "Watch what you say, Justin!"

He shot me a look like, 'Then I'll say it only in front of you' before winking, making me roll my eyes playfully.

At that exact moment due to boredom, Jenna started to mess with Justin's hair, and I knew he was feeling beyond miserable. Of course, seeing that, Jonah began messing mine up too. Sigh, I just don't get it.

"Smiiiiile!" Mom chirped happily, before snapping pictures of the twins messing with Justin and my hair.

Hilarious, yeah? Ha-ha I'm dying from the laughter. K.


"Muah!" They began squeaking, making me raise an eyebrow, "What?"

Justin laughed, giving me hand a light squeeze before winking, making me triple-blink, "I think they want us to make out."

"Oh," I laughed out loud, even though I wasn't even finding the whole situation hilarious at all. "Hail no." The twins, along with Justin, did their best puppy dog faces, but the thing is... do they know how much I want to?

Our moms are still here, that's why! I silently cussed, pulling a face.

"Aye moms, we're gonna go up to the bedroom and play with the twins. Catch you both later!" Justin exclaimed, before standing up with Jenny in his right arm, and his left hand fingers laced with mine. I got up with Jonah on my left arm and we raced up the stairs.

I honestly don't know why he wanted to go up, though.

What exactly was he up to?


I'm Not Sorry: A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now