Final Chapter.

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Chapter 44

Half a year have passed. Yes, of course Justin had been calling me, texting me, leaving me voice-mails, which is cliche, so I kinda ignored them, but hey, I'm living my life afresh, new celebrity-free life! As for my Mom, she constantly brings Justin home to hopefully try to get us back together, but... No can do. So she eventually gave up. Besides, after such a long period of not meeting or seeing Justin, I'm not even sure if I'm still in love with him or I'm just fooling myself into thinking that I am. Yeah, I'm still single, but Justin isn't... Yes, he isn't. And I ain't jealous too! Good aye? He's girlfriend is none other than... Miss Selena Marie Gomez! Yup. Weird ain't it? Then what about Cameron Quiseng??? Well, apparently, that douchebag already had a girlfriend before he asked Selena out, and that he was a two-timer. I swear, I was so mad, I actually went up to him, slapped his face, punched him in the gut and kicked him in his balls...and then I walked away with satisfaction, seeing him in a painful state.
Selena and I have grown closer throughout the year, and we're practically inseparable unbiological sisters. She's a really strong girl, I'd noticed. She doesn't really care much about what others think about her, and that's kinda something I've learnt from her. She and Jonah had grown closer too, and every now and then, she would stay over in my house for a while.
But come to think of it, I did say I was going to live a celebrity-free life, but there's Selena... I guess she's the only exception? Yeah.

"Justine!" I heard my Mother's voice down the hallway. I groggily stepped out of my bed and stuck my head out of my door, which happened to be ajar.

"Yes, Mother?" I said, my voice thick in sleep. I didn't have a good night, okay, I don't know why, I just didn't! Wait, it's suppose to be didn't have a good sleep...oh well, it's a blacked out blur for me. I had a weird feeling in me, telling me something's gonna happen today...maybe that's the reason I couldn't sleep well.

"Well, Selena's here," she smiled at me, "and what are you? English? Mother here, Mother there, Mother everywhere! I wonder where you got that habit of calling me Mother, from," she mumbled to herself before walking back down the stairs. How come she always does this?! No, not Selena but my Mom.

I was in pajamas, call me humiliation, but I don't care. I had morning hair, call me a freak, but I don't care. I had morning breath, call me inconsiderate, but I don't care. I looked like a freaking sex hobo in general, but I don't give a shit. I made my way down the stairs and plopped down on the couch beside Selena.

"What up, girly?" I asked, with my enthusiasm rising.

"He cheated on me," she whispered, her hand covering her face.

"Who cheated on- " My voice cracked. Justin fucking cheated on Selena. "With who?" I asked, this time, my anger rising. How dare he.

"The girl in the Mistletoe video!" She bursted out laughing...laughing at my expression. I pulled a face. Such a great actor! No sarcasm intended.

"Yeah, well, I couldn't give a damn, really," I rolled my eyes and stretched, stifling a yawn as I did so. It was a good stretch, I have to say.

She sighed. "You know, he's been hoping you would forgive him and- " She paused and pulled her thinking face. What was she thinking about...or deciding on? Weird.

"And...?" I trailed off, impatiently tapping my foot on the carpet, making a light thumping sound. She's taking too long to just think about something! This is unusually abnormal. That's it! She must be deciding on something instead!

"Uh, he's here..." She trailed off, her finger pointing towards the door of my house. Then at that moment, Justin came through the door with a little smile plastered on his face. I waved and dropped my hand.

I'm Not Sorry: A Justin Bieber Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now