Chapter 1 - The Pretty Thief

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He was upset, no, he was beyond upset. He was furious.

He hit the break of his two weeks old F Type Jaguar hard and slammed the door loudly when he reached the head quarter of Indigo Pharma. He knew he wasn't supposed to park there right in front of the main entrance but he couldn't care less. He came here for a mission, to tear a woman's body limb by limb and maybe fed them to stray dogs.

He gritted his teeth, that woman had the nerve!

His strong steps echoing in the lobby of one of the biggest pharmaceutical company in the country, ignoring the frantic call from the receptionist who desperately wanted to know who he was and why he was there.

He never came here and he wouldn't know where that woman's office located but judging from how arrogant she was, it must be on the top floor.

His index finger pressed the lift call button and as soon as the door opened he stepped in.

"Excuse me sir...." A young security guard called him out, one of his hand stopping the doors from closing and the other hand holding a walkie talkie ready to call for back up if the uninvited guest decided to put on a fight.

But he was hesitated to pull the guest out. He knew this stranger wasn't an ordinary man. His car, his well tailored suit, his shoes and his face screamed authority. He had to be careful if he wanted to keep his job.

"Frank is it?" The stranger read the name tag. "Tell your boss, Stefan Angelopoulos is here to see her. What level Frank?"

Frank gulped, immediately letting the door go.

"Ten sir.... She is on level ten. Right hand side..." Frank shakily answered.

Stefan gave him a small nod before jabbing the tenth floor and slowly the lift doors closed, leaving Frank with his jaws still hanging open below.

No one dared to talk to Stefan or be in his way when he stepped out the lift. His murdering aura seemed to spread through the whole building before he even reached the tenth level.

He faintly heard people whispering, he knew exactly what they were talking about. What was the CEO of the competition doing here?

Indigo Pharma and AngeloGen weren't exactly on the same page for few years, they'd fought for everything. From public markets to government tenders. They had sunk their fangs into each other throat for more than a generation and they didn't have the intention to talk peace any time soon.

Stefan wouldn't normally step his foot in this building even if the sky fell on the top of his head, but this matter was worse than that and he had to settle it soon, straight to the root. That woman!

He stopped in front of a humongous twin doors with a gold plate on one side saying Director office. Typical Singleton, they loved glamour and show of power.

He pushed the doors open and his eyes went straight to the beautiful woman who sat on her desk, engrossed with her paperwork.

"KARA SINGLETON!!! What the fuck have you done to my research?" his voice broke her concentration. But instead of turning pale like the rest of the people she smiled, "well.....well....well..... What an honour to get a visit from the AngeloGen CEO himself. Welcome to my humble office Stefan." She rose from her seat and strolled closer to him in attempt to shake his hand but he ignored her. He stared sharply at her and continued his attack.

"How dare you?!" he hissed.

As calm as the river flow she asked him, "What is it Stefan?"

"Stop pretending you bitch! You stole my research!"

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