Chapter 8 - Grandpa

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Too close, he was too close......

Kara took a few deep breaths to calm her frantic heartbeat. Again, she was gambling with the situation. She wasn't that kind of woman who would confidently flirt toward a man. She wouldn't do that, not in a million year, but Stefan was just too damn hot to ignore and since he opened the chance she couldn't help but take it.

Damien was right!

Do not fall for Stefan, he is a womaniser!

Damien always reminded her everytime he got the chance, yet she managed to ruin it.

Her lips were just an inch away from that man and he smelled nice, in fact his after shave was still lingered in her nose after minutes had passed....

She didn't dare imagining what would happen to her when their lips met. How his kiss was going to be? The passionate one, the slow one, the pushy one? She knew she would like it either way.

She was practically run away from him when he showed his eagerness to take her out. What was that? He suggested spending time with her in romantic way? What was wrong with him? He supposed to hate her not to flirt with her.

She sighed heavily, lifting her chin to scan her surroundings. She sat on a park bench not far from the café shop. Her hands were still a bit shaky and it was because of Stefan. This time it wasn't because he was furious toward her, it was something else, something that she didn't understand.

His hazel eyes.....

Those Hazel eyes of his, it confused the hell out of her.

The way he looked at her said it all, he hated her but for a split second there those hazel eyes were gentle, staring deeply into her eyes and they talked. She felt his gaze penetrated into her soul and warmed her cold heart. She wanted to put her gun down and sobbed into his arms. That what those hazel eyes gave her, a sense of peace and trust.

Sighing again she cleared her mind from Stefan. She couldn't fall for him....

She smiled a little watching kids playing around the monkey bars, their moms were yelling at them telling them to be careful. She also saw an elderly couple feeding the ducks next to the fish pond. Another couple was laying on the grass sunbathing, and a group of girls giggling around while walking their dogs. They were all looked happy and content.

She looked down to her well manicured nails and questioning herself why she couldn't enjoy the life like they were?

What was so different about her?

She was a pretty girl with double degrees from a well-known university in the country. She was wealthy, she could have anything that she wanted, and she had the most prestigious job that a girl could ever dream off, her life should be perfect but in fact it wasn't.

Oh wait, her family name was Singleton, of course that was the one that stopping her from having a normal life. She couldn't go out anytime she wanted, she was too busy to socialize, her schedule was probably as packed as the prime minister of this country or perhaps more. That was why she didn't have any friends, they were putting their distance against her, either of her lack of commitment in building the friendship or they simply felt intimidated by her success, wealth and power, she could never know.

Again she stared at the couple who was sunbathing together, now the girl was on top of her boyfriend and she kissed him passionately. She grunted, when would she had the chance to do that? Her and her man.... She didn't have a man to begin with. And it was hard to imagine kissing someone when she didn't know any men that worthy enough to be with her.

Well, there was someone, that man who just flirted with her five minutes ago. He was more than worthy....

Her phone rung.....

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