Chapter 54 - It's Always Her

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Stefan felt a heavy burned had been lifted from his shoulders and now he was ready to face his wife and told her about his memory. Finally, he didn't have to keep it secret anymore and he was excited of how she would react.

After locking the documents that Joseph had given him in his safe box he went straight to his bedroom to talk to his wife.

It was only eight in the evening. He called her earlier that he wouldn't have his dinner at home, that he would have to run for errand for a couple of hours and she believed him. He wouldn't tell Kara about his meeting with Joseph or she would interrogate him about their conversation.


Kara heard her husband walked into the room and before she knew it, he had tackled her on the bed and bombarded her with kisses.

"Stefan... what the hell...." She giggled uncontrollably by his attack.

"I love you so much......" his voice muffled against her neck and his elbows caging her.

He had said it a thousand times before but every time he did, Kara always thought she was only dreaming and too scared to wake up.

"I love you too baby. Care to share the good news?" she curiously trying to find out what made her husband so happy. It was her first time seeing him like this. It must be more than good news that she would hear in the next few seconds.

But his answer drained the blood off her face.

"I got my memory back!" he pulled away, pushing her hair off her face and smiled at his wife underneath him.

"Oh...." She went quiet.

Stefan saw an unexpected reaction from her. "Are you okay?" he asked frowning.

"Yes, yes I am okay. I am so happy for you." She smiled, arched up to kiss his lips but it didn't foul him. Stefan knew something had bothering her.

"Baby, what is it?" he got off her and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to join him.

"Nothing..." She mumbled, jumped off the bed and stood in front of him. Her heart started to beat faster. This news supposed to be a good news but she felt the opposite. She was terrified.

His memory back was only mean one thing. He would remember the reason why he left her and he probably would do it again. The thought made her knees buckled. She quickly walked toward the window and pretended to check the view outside while her hand gripped the frame tightly till her knuckles turned white.

"Baby.... Please tell me what's wrong?" he chased her and hugged her from the back.

"Nothing.... It's silly....." she shook her head.

"Nothing is silly if it upset you this much." His large palm caressed her hair gently, "Tell me what's wrong?" he stared at her reflection through the glass window.

"No Stefan, I am not upset." She looked surprised by his conclusion. She turned around to face him and wrapped his cheeks with her palms. "I am happy for you that you get your memory back. I just.... I am just worry that you will remember the reason for leaving me and you will do it again. And that your love for me isn't real...." Her voice disappeared to a whisper.

Stefan horrified by her reason.

"I love you Kara. You are my wife. I will not leave you. ...." He said slightly hurt.

"I know.... But I am scared...." She looked down, avoiding his eyes with so much guilt in her face. "You divorced me once Stefan. I signed the paperwork. It's the fact... I am worry about when it will be finalised but most all I am worry that you will change your mind about me. After all I did to you. Regaining your memory was only reminded you of how nasty I was to you." She took a deep breath and continued, ignoring his face that fell a little, she had to tell him the truth, no more secret, that was her promise when it came to Stefan. "That night when you left, my world was falling apart. I didn't know why I live anymore. I spent weeks crying over you, I couldn't stop that sometimes I had to excuse myself from a meeting just to cry in the bathroom. I've tried so hard to move on, but then you came again and my life has been perfect. And if you ever leave me again, I....." she quivered before bawling.

"Baby......" he lost for words. She was wounded and he didn't know it was so deep that she was traumatised by it.

The strongest woman he ever knew cried and she had cried a lot lately because of her love for him.

He remembered when the first time he yelled at her at her office. He swore he would find her weakness then he would hurt her and make her cry. He made plans to rake revenge on her obnoxious doing and he would made sure she begs to stop him hurting her, that was how much he hated Kara Singleton. But now, one tear came out from her beautiful brown eyes and his heart broken into a million pieces.

He wrapped her body tightly against his chest. He had hurt her that bad.... The pain of guilt stabbing his heart, "baby, I am so sorry. I had no idea you loved me at that time..... I left because I didn't want to get hurt. It was stupid decision Kara." He told her half of the truth but he couldn't tell her the rest. He didn't want her to hate her own grandpa, it wouldn't be a wise move.

"I didn't know what I was thinking." He continued, "but now I remember that I didn't send the paperwork through. It's still in my office." He explained. Oh god, he lied again about that decision not to send the paperwork, but he had no choice. It was necessary to protect her heart from her disappointment toward Joseph.

"You didn't send it?" she looked up with shock in her eyes and Stefan shook his head. "No I didn't. Deep down inside I still have faith in us... Please forgive me?" he begged.

Kara nodded slightly before pushing herself back into his chest. "Just don't leave me again please...."

"I won't baby, I won't." He whispered. "I promise. This time I will stay, forever...." He tilted her chin up to kiss her lips.

She stayed still for a while before responding him in a tentative kiss.

He didn't know why, perhaps it was her defence mechanism. Her heart must tell her not to respond to him. Not to believe everything he said, not to surrender in his arm. He understood that well, it took time to heal her broken heart and he would spend the rest of his life making up to her.


Kara watched her husband slept next to her. His bare chest moved ups and down following his breathing and his lips opened slightly, blowing soft snores that she missed hearing few months ago when they weren't together.

He had made love to her ever so sweetly last night. He told her he would stay this time. He made a promise and she believed him but she couldn't stop herself for being scared of what would happen if he ever changed his mind.

She could endure everything else but not a broken heart. It was her first when Stefan left her and she didn't want to get another one.

She knew should let the past go. She should be happy that he had regained his memory and decided to stay, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was terrified.

Gently she touched his arm before pushing herself against his shoulder. She didn't know what, he was still sleeping soundly but as soon as she touched him, his body responded in a way that she would end up inside his embrace. Always like that.


She felt guilty for doubting him. She blew a long breath and drifted back to sleep.

I love you...." She heard him whispered in her ear.


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