Chapter 18 - Pancakes

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Bacon and egg, bacon and egg, bacon and egg......

Kara opened her eyes and this stupid breakfast suddenly popped into her mind.

She was wondering how could that happened when she felt something poking her butts.

She tried to move but she couldn't.

Where was she?

And second later she remembered. Oh, it wasn't a dream. The wedding was real and her new husband's childish game last night to take over her spot wasn't a dream either.

She felt Stefan's heavy thigh pinned her down and his arm draped across her torso carelessly. He had cuddled her till she fall asleep  and now his 'stuff' poked her rudely.

"Stefan...." She pushed his arm off but it went back to the original position.



"Get off me!"

"Five minutes..." he mumbled before placing his palm on her tummy. Clearly he found a way to go under her nightie and his thumb rubbed her smooth skin in circular motion. It felt good and Kara almost moaned in pleasure but a flash back made her eyes went rounded.

He'd been touching her last night she remembered vaguely. She was too tired to protest when he run his hand up and down her thigh and her torso before nuzzling her neck and kissed her nape. She didn't know what else he had been doing while she was asleep.

She bit her lower lip.

Funny thing was, she didn't mind. The way he touch wasn't like he tried to molest her or anything like that. It was more like adoring her, comforting her or maybe even wanting her....

Wanting her? Of course he wanted her, he was a man after all.


"Stefan! Let me go!" Kara yelped angrily realising her thought about her new husband's rude hands on her last night.

He moved, releasing Kara from his cage and she quickly sat up.

"Baby...." Stefan groaned against his pillow, no, her pillows. His hand reached out and landed on her thigh shamelessly.

He called her baby now?

She wasn't keen on that.

"What?!" she pushed him away and stood up to stretch a little.

"I want my coffee. Black, no sugar...."

She stopped stretching.

"......And pancake, strawberry pancake."

"You said you want bacon and egg last night."

"I change my mind...." He groaned again and roughly flipped himself, now his face was to her. He opened his eyes and stared at her intently, "Why are you still here? Go on make me my breakfast. I have to be in the office by seven thirty."

Kara held the urge to slap him with the alarm clock on her bedside. If it wasn't for being an ass this early morning, Kara wouldn't mind dropped a kiss on his adorable just waking up face. But now she was too furious to do anything nice to him.

She made her way to the bathroom to have shower before going downstairs to cook her husband his stupid pancake.

Stefan hide his smile watching her stomped her feet to the ground. She looked so cute and innocent in her pink nightie that he almost changed his mind about making her life miserable.

He planted his face back to her pillow and inhaled her scent that still lingered there. Last night was amazing. He knew he shouldn't touch her but he couldn't help it. She was too sexy to be left alone.

It was his play when he deliberately sprawled himself in the middle of the bed. It was his play to pretend that he was annoyed by her moving too much and decided to wrap her up instead of giving her bigger space to sleep.

He enjoyed her being there in his arms and when she settled against his embrace he couldn't take it anymore. His hand started to roam her body, well he had avoided the forbidden spots as he did that just to annoy her, not molesting her but gosh her skin was so smooth and her curve drove him mad.

She let him though or probably not....

She resisted at the beginning, her hand gripped his wrist and pushed him away as far as she could but she might be too tired fighting him back after struggling to get away from his caveman cuddle for few minutes. She was strong for a woman in her size but of course she was nothing compare to his strengths that she finally gave up and fallen asleep against his chest, didn't care anymore what Stefan might do to her.

Stefan stopped when she stopped fighting back. He kissed her nape instead and went asleep with her. She trusted him after all and there was no way that he would take advantage of her.

Kara was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and she was his wife, guess that made him the luckiest man on earth.

Sure he was..... Only if she wasn't the witch who ruin his life.

Six forty five Stefan went downstairs looking dazzling in his dark grey pair of suit. He came to her and planted a kiss on her forehead, "good morning." he said before walking toward the dinning table ready to have his breakfast.

Kara melted a little. He was sweet after all. She quickly placed his pancakes on a plate and went to him.

"Your coffee sir, and your pancakes." Kara placed them in front of him.

"Banana pancake?" Stefan raised his eyebrows giving his plate a disapproving look.

"I couldn't find Strawberry in your fridge so I use banana."

"I hate banana." Stefan pushed the plate away from him.

"If you hate banana, why do you have banana in your kitchen?" she asked.

"I hate banana with pancakes." He corrected, "you know, there's a supermarket downstairs. Go there and get me strawberry There's coin bowl next to the herb racks and the house key is there too."


"Kara, take care of your husband, will you?" he turned on his mobile phone and checked his emails, avoiding looking at her. He knew once he gazed at her beautiful face he would soften up, so he'd rather not to.

"Fine!" she slammed her apron on the kitchen counter, grabbing coins from the bowl and rushed downstairs. Kara went as fast as she could but when she got back into the penthouse Stefan was already gone leaving the pancake untouched.

"Jackass!!!" She screamed.


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