Chapter 17 - Bed Time

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Kara looked down on her flimsy nightie, cringing. She didn't expect to be sleeping on the same bed with Stefan, she told herself off for not buying some cotton pyjamas before she got here.

She finished her shower and brushed her teeth clean. She was so tired. The lavish wedding was exhausting and extremely painful for her. She had to smile till her cheeks hurt and she had to remember all the relatives' names.

He wasn't kidding when he said he had a big family. He had at least two dozen of cousins, niece and nephews. He had three aunts and five uncles who treated her like a doll. Praising her nonstop and dragged her everywhere so they could show her off to other guests.

They were all nice to her and clearly didn't give a damn about how Singleton and their family had been enemy for so long. They called her their own and they already invited her to visit them anytime she wanted. All nice people, Kara liked them, well, except one, Melissa, Stefan's baby sister.

"You are not pregnant, are you?" that was all she said when Kara greeted her at the reception. Melissa refused to help with the wedding preparation even after Olivia, Kara's mother in law nagged. Melissa didn't attend the ceremony at the church. She only came briefly to the reception and disappeared after the family photos had been taken, same like Kara's grandpa and the rest.

"No, I am not pregnant." Kara replied with a smile on her lips.

"Good!" Melissa said with still a stern look plastered on her face. "Because I don't think your marriage will last long. I will feel sorry for the baby when you two divorce." She glared at Kara.

"Um..." Kara was stunned by her bluntness. Melissa looked upset and if her eyes could throw dagger, Kara would probably dead by now.

Melissa took a step forward before whispering, "I know something going on here but unfortunately my brother didn't want to tell us anything. Well, it's his life, his choice. Just one thing I want to tell you though Kara, don't you ever hurt my brother."

Kara smiled at Melissa, "I won't. It never crossed my mind."

"Glad to hear...."

Kara shook her head, clearing her mind. Checking herself one more time on the bathroom mirror she smiled faintly.

Darn this nightie....

She released her breath that she didn't realise holding when she got out the bathroom and saw Stefan sprawled in the middle of the bed facing down. His shoulders moved slowly following his even breathing. He was asleep already.

Good, this was good, wasn't it? He wouldn't be able to see her in this too revealing sleeping attire.

She took quiet steps to her side and grimacing. Stefan took the whole space and only left a little gap for her to lie down. He practically laid himself in the middle of the king size bed with legs and arms wide open. His face was on hers, his mouth parted a little and soft snore came out from it.

Cursing repeatedly she pushed his arm away and slide herself under the blanket, her leg touched his and again she pushed it a little with hers.

She needed more space there. She couldn't just curl for hours without being able to stretch her legs, she would get a sore back tomorrow.

She froze when he growled but his leg moved a little.

Good.... So far so good..... She thought.

Next, she placed her head on the pillow that half of it occupied by Stefan's head.

This man, so selfish....

Her cheek touched his forehead when she placed her head on the pillow. She wanted to stay away a little but she couldn't, there was no more space.

She lifted her head to check on the other side of the bed, his side and she saw his pillow was empty.

Damn it!!!!

She was contemplating to swap side. It was his fault after all for putting his big body in the middle. They were already agreed to which side he should sleep on but he ignored it, she could too.

She sighed and moved a little to get up.

"Kara......" he mumbled.

"What?" she froze.

"Stop moving!"

Kara ignored him.

"Kara!" again he mumbled, half of his mouth was planted inside her pillow and his eyes were still closed.

"You move away, I need more space." She protested, pushing his shoulder with her hands but nothing happened as if his body was bound to the bed.

Quiet.... Followed by his snore.

Fuck it....

She moved again, she was half seated when his arm flunked over her stomach. "I said stop moving." He growled.

"I can't help it. You take my spot. I got no space to lie down. Let go of me!"



"For god sake Kara, shut up and sleep. I get early meeting tomorrow!"

"If you go to your side, I will stop moving!" she gritted her teeth and deliberately kicked his leg.

He lost his patient and cursed before pulled her down and wrapping her tight against his chest. A small yelp came out from her mouth.


"Sleep!" he now put his thigh on her hip.



"Damn you!" she writhed.

"KARA!" he opened his eyes and glared at her. "One more move and you'll sleep on the couch!" he threatened.


She sighed, thinking about how to knee his nuts but she couldn't.

He practically locked her inside him and there was no way for her to fight this giant.

Sighing she gave up. Well at least she got enough space to stretch her legs now and oh man.... He was so warm and his breaths tickled her ear.

She relaxed and closed her eyes.

"I want bacon and egg for breakfast...." he mumbled.


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