Chapter 50 - The Clown

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"Stefan, whose those men in the living room?" Kara asked when she entered the house this evening. Three men in suit sat in the kitchen and chit chatting with Andrea. Once they saw her, they stood up in unison and greeted her politely. No smile, just polite.

Kara hated those kind of men.

She was just finished work and exhausted, so she just waived at them before going to Stefan's office.

She had to cancel all her meeting today, she didn't want to scare her clients with her bruises face and swollen lips but she still had to answer the questions from her employees about her injury and she was sick of it.

One time she said Stefan beat her up and her managers were just shaking their head, didn't believe her not even for a second.

What the hell these people thought of her husband? An angel or something? Wished they know how silly and annoying he could be.

"Seeing your temper, I don't think you get all of these from your husband." One of them saying and waving her palm in front of her face. "If I saw Stefan had bruises then I'll believe it came from you."

What the fuck?! Now they thought she beat up Stefan.

That man was almost twice bigger than her, how could it be possible for her to be the one abusive in the house?

She shook her head dismissing her silly thought.

"Stefan!" she called again when he didn't answer her question.

"Bodyguards." He answered absentmindedly. His eyes were busy reading something from his laptop. He had so much to catch up on from work and he didn't want to waste any more time.

"Bodyguards? Why?"

"For you." He replied, this time his fingers were busy typing on his keyboard.

"Stefan....." She dragged his name in away that finally grabbed his attention. She sounded mad and he knew if she was in a bad mood, he would be the one in trouble.

"Babe, look at your face." He pointed out. He then stood up and lifted her chin, and the mark on your neck. What is this?"

"Didn't we talk about this already? I don't need bodyguards. They made me nervous." She slammed herself on the chair in front of him.

"Didn't we talk about this too? That you will take a day off or two? And where have you been? Work?" he raised his eyebrows at her.

"I have to go. It was a complication in one of the tender. I had to fix it."

"And ignore your own safety? Look Babe, I don't take any chances. I'd rather have you nervous and yell at me whole night than having to visit you in the hospital or maybe seeing you in a coffin...." He blinked his tears.

"For god sake Stefan. I am not gonna die." She rolled her eyes.

"Just take them will you? I'll get you a driver too."


"So someone can watch your car while you are working."

"That's stupid."

"Nothing stupid in this matter Kara. Be serious for a second here, someone wants to kill you."

"No, why don't you think that maybe someone wants to kill you, not me. Remember the brake tampering?" she scowled him. "How did the investigation go? Why didn't you tell me anything about it? Why  can't I give you bodyguards instead?"

He stared at her for a second, she might be right.... But then he dismissed her theory, "oh yeah? And he had mistakenly thought you as me? Since when I wore high heels and smell so delicious..."

"You smell delicious to me..." she shrugged and he laughed. The tense between them had gone.

"Please take them babe?" he begged.


"Fine, if you don't want to take them, we will have to move to my grandpa's mansion and lock you inside. You know how his house security is."

"Hell no!" Kara pouted. That mansion was like Alcatraz. Nothing and no one could get pass the fence without being detected, probably not even a fly.

Theo had watched too many action hero movies, his brain was slightly twisted and he always thought that he was some kind of godfather that being chased by his enemy all the time.

Well maybe he did. Look at his face. Kara held her laugh.

"Fine, I'll take the bodyguards. But you have to have some too. I am not taking chances too."

"Fine." Stefan nodded.

"But are you sure they can protect me? Should I test....."

"Kara! Leave them alone."


Bribing, oh maybe more like flirting with a box of chocolate, Stefan strolled the hospital's hall after getting information from the receptionist about where that man had been kept.

He knew he couldn't come and see him but he needed to fish some information out from his mouth before he went to jail for formal interrogation.

"You know, I can come alone Stefan." Tim the private investigator tailed him.

"I know Tim. I just need to hear it for myself who his target was."

Stefan entered room number 301 and immediately recognized the man on the bed. He was awake, good!

The man's eyes stared at Stefan and Tim who walked inside and went straight to the side of his bed. Stefan picked up his chart report and read his name out loud, "Bruce Miller."

"Who are you? Cops?" he asked weakly.

"The woman you tried to choke two days ago, is my wife." Stefan talked.

Bruce closed his mouth and stared at him with slight fear in his eyes. He saw their wedding photo on a frame when he went to the house to wait for Kara. He remembered his face now, but he never thought that he would be this big. Even with crutches, Stefan was still able to make Bruce shaken like a leaf.

"Look man, I am sorry...." He stuttered.

"Oh really? After you choke her is that all you can say? Sorry?" Stefan growled.

"Look, I failed. She was the one that hurt me." He tried to reason and Stefan almost rolled his eyes. "How could you marry that woman? She's scary."

"And if you don't tell me who sent you, I can always get her here to do more damage."

Bruce cringed and Tim cleared his throat, trying his best not to laugh. During his career as a special force and private investigator, he never heard such a threat. Who would send his wife to beat up the enemy?

"Please go away. I'll tell the cop..." Bruce reached the call button with his good hand but Stefan stopped him.

"Tell them whatever you want Bruce. But let me remind you something. I have all the money in the world to send hell to you for the rest of your life. Either you gave me the name or you can taste my wrath from now on."

"I don't know..." he answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I have no name to give you. I got.... I got twenty thousands dollar in the mail and a promise to another twenty thousands when I finish the job. Oh man, I wished I knew that she is a crazy bitch, I will not take the money. I swear...."

Stefan groaned. His wife's life was only worth forty thousands? And whoever that person who wanted Kara dead  sent this clown? He looked like a junkie, not a killer and the wrong spelling tattoo that he had on his collar bone said it all, that he was just a joke. Belive in myself said the tattoo. What the fuck!

This clown was an insult. He should be thankful that because of Bruce, his wife was still alive. But really?

He was almost choked the guy if not for Tim stopping him.

"Stefan, enough! Let's get out from here. Let me do my job."


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