Chapter 7 - Lonely?

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No one as talented as Tim, the private investigator that Stefan hired to tail Kara but he got nothing, totally nothing, except for one allergy that Kara had and Tim already told Stefan about it.

Stefan threw the report that Tim had given him earlier on his desk. A photo slide out from the folder and he took it. It was Kara sitting alone outside a café shop, engrossed in her book. She looked relaxed in her off white sweater with slightly too long sleeves covered half of her hands. She let her chocolate hair loose, covering her shoulders and her legs crossed under the table with a pair of boots that kept her feet warm.

Her professional look totally disappeared, replaced by a young, beautiful, vulnerable girl that he had never seen before. And it made him wondered how could such a pretty girl turned to be that mean and crafty.

He shook his head.

He opened the folder and took another photo, again Kara sitting alone in a restaurant eating her dinner.

Another photo, she shopped alone.

Another one, she went into the gym alone.

Stefan sighed, he had Tim followed her for weeks and not even one he saw her hanging out with friends.

She visited her grandparent mansion, at least once a week, usually on Wednesday night, last week she visited twice. But she always came alone.

Stefan read Tim's notes, Kara mostly out every night, she had business dinners in fancy restaurants, meeting important people, including the Mayor himself.

No boyfriends and definitely no dates. No birthday parties or other parties that he could find who her friends were. Who she hang out with so that he could find out her weakness.

She was as strong as she could be, only now Stefan saw something, she was alone. He wasn't sure that Kara was lonely, she probably had demons army tucked somewhere in her wardrobe at home, but as long as Stefan could see, she was always alone.


"Well Bro, I have failed talking the sense out of that woman.... But it doesn't mean that we should give up." Gabe sighed when they met at his place.

"It's okay Gabe, thank you for trying." Stefan took a sip on his coffee. "Although..... Tim had find something that maybe useful."

"What's that?" Gabe straightened his seat, eager to listen.

"Kara never hangs out with friends. No friends, no boyfriends. She is alone." Stefan started to talk.

Gabe was at lost, "And?"

"And.... Perhaps you can try to get closer to her and charm her out?"

"You want me what?"

"Date her you stupid."

"Date Kara?" Gabe shook his head.

"Yes, romance her, make her fall for you then slowly take back what's mine."

"Are you serious? No way Stefan! I will not date Kara. She is my friend."

"Why not? She is pretty."

"Pretty huh? Why don't you date her then?" Gabe flipped the idea back to his brother who suddenly lost for words. Gabe grinned after a while. Some scenarios must pass through his mind. Seeing Stefan and Kara dated would be the most entertaining thing he could ever watch. They both pig headed and sarcastic. They both didn't want to listen to other people and sure they both wanted to kill each other. What could be more entertaining than that.

"You can charm women with only one word, sometimes you don't even need to speak and women will be all over you already. Go on Charm Kara I dare you."

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