Chapter 19 - Still about Pancakes

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"Your wife is here to see you."

Stefan groaned. Big mistake, it was a big mistake to left the pancake untouched.

"Let her in."

His office door opened by Leah and second later Kara stepped in with a container in her hand.

Her face looked pissed and the way she walked just like a lioness waiting to jump on her prey, Stefan knew he was in big trouble.

"Hi Honey, what brings you here?" he stood up and walked up to her to peck her cheek pretended like nothing bad had happened, but he was about to get the shock of his life.

Once he was within Kara's arm reach, she grabbed his tie and pulled it down roughly, "don't you ever, ever do such thing to me again. EVER!" she hissed on his face.

Leah bit her lip trying not to laugh. The view was a crack up to her. Kara was a petit woman and Stefan clearly looked like a bear in front of her but this particular woman had a charisma that could brought a general down to his knees and that was what just happened in Stefan's office right now.

Leah quickly walked out and closed the door behind her before other staff members saw that their boss was being bullied by his new wife.

"Okay... okay....." Stefan lifted his hands in surrender gesture. He then tried to pull back his tie but Kara didn't let go.

"Don't just okay me! You have no idea how busy I am. I have company to run, meetings to attend, kitchen and your mess to clean up. My time is as precious as yours!" she shoved the food container in his hand and glared at him. "I don't like wasting food. Now EAT!"

"I am sorry okay.... I am sorry.... I had to leave, I had early meeting." Stefan brought the container back to his desk and opened the lid, his cold pancakes were inside with strawberries on top.

Stefan hide his smile, his wife sure something special. She had bitten his head off but still rewarded him with his favourite pancakes.

"Well, if you just ate your banana pancakes, you wouldn't be late." She quipped.

"I hate banana in pancakes." He was still trying to fight her back.

"Yeah... yeah.... Bay the way, I know you lied to me about the meeting, you clearly had no meeting." Kara slammed herself on the chair in front of his desk, her lips pouted.

"He is late...." He replied casually and picked up a strawberry to pop it in his mouth, deliberately making noise when he chewed.

"Eat the pancakes too Stefan!"

"I will, I will...."

He just finished his cereal that he always had it handy inside his drawer and now he had to eat again? He prayed that he wouldn't fall asleep in his next meeting.

"So, when will you return my research?" Stefan took a fork and knife from his drawer. Kara eyebrows shoot up.

"You keep cutlery there?"

"Why not?"

"You are weird Stefan. And I don't understand why you keep your underwear outside the wardrobe."

"I have tinny space for underwear okay. The one inside is for you now." He cut his pancake and ate a big piece. "Sooner or later you will buy more stuff and that wardrobe will explode with your things."

Kara went silent, amazed by his answer. She realised this morning that he didn't have much space for himself. He emptied more than half of his shelf and racks for her.

"This pancake is good..." he spoke in between his chews.

"Thanks...." She dismissed him, "You know.... I can call someone to add more drawers...."

"Up to you. Do what you want. So, where's my research?"



"Boss, Mr Brown is here...."

"See, I wasn't lying. Okay, these pancakes will have to wait....." He placed his fork and knife down and ready to stand up but froze when he saw her killer glare.

"Don't you dare!" She reached forward to press the talk button, "Leah, tell Mr Brown Stefan will be five minutes late."

"Okay..."Leah answered.

"Now finish it!"


"Kara, you're late." Damien followed her down to her desk and placed both hands on his hips. "Why are you late? You were never late before, like ever. Why are you late?"

"He wants pancakes...." She replied absentmindedly, turning on her computer and settled herself on her chair.


Kara clasped her mouth, realising what she was saying, "I meant... I meant.... He wanted to have strawberry pancake for breakfast and I made him banana pancakes and he hates banana in pancakes and I had to go downstairs to get him strawberry..."

"Did you sleep with him?" Damien cut her off, his hands were still on his hips and he stared angrily at his boss. The only person who wasn't scared of Kara was Damien.

"Yes... I mean no..... I mean, we slept on the same bed..."

"Nooo!!!! Kara!!!! Don't you remember what I said? Do not fall in love."

"Damien! I am not falling in love!"

"He is hot as fuck, and you sleep on the same bed with him, sooner or later you will fall for him...."

"Look, I have no choice okay. He only has one bedroom and none of us wanted to sleep on the floor, so we....." Kara shook her head, "Why do I have to explain anything to you? Go get me coffee!" Kara barked.

"Geez, someone is grumpy...."


Ding! A text message from Stefan.

wife, what's for dinner?

Kara took a glance on her watch, it was two in the afternoon and he already asked about dinner?

What do you want? Kara replied.

Fish. He replied back after few seconds.

Oh shit!

She regrated her question already. Now she had to buy the fish before she got home and the fish shop that selling good quality fish was a bit far from their place and she wouldn't let Stefan ate frozen fish from ordinary supermarket.

Hang on a minute, why would she care?

Oh, she didn't like eating frozen fish. Yeah right.... What an excuse to cook Stefan fresh fish....

"Damien..." she called her secretary loudly.

"Whaaaattt?" came his answer vaguely from outside her office.

"What time can I go home?"

Silent for a minute, "probably six thirty, seven o'clock. Your last meeting is at five." Damien yelled.

"Can you cancel it?"

"Can't do, it's Mr Cranky Pants Jackson Lee."

Kara groaned.

Ding! Stefan message again.


Kara clicked her tongue, Sorry, will be home late. Buy some take away.

Ding! I am not eating take away shit

Go hungry then, she typed.

Ding! Witch, you promise to cook for me. I'll wait.

Fine! Dinner at eight.


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