Chapter 48 - A New Start

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Stefan watched his wife slept next to him. She laid on her side, her bare back facing his and her blanket went down only covering her gorgeous buttocks.

Last night was magical.

He didn't know how he survived those pains when he made love to her, but he would do it again without hesitation when he saw her eyes said it all.

She worshiped him just like he worshiped her. Their body missed each other and her soft moans were like beautiful songs in his ears.

She felt so right against his arms. Her smooth skin rubbed his, her full breasts were soft against his palms, her lips were sweet and warm and her touches sending tingles in every fibre of his body.

Kara, his wife. She was everything to him and last night he was finally admitted his feeling.

He run his fingers along her spines, feeling her again, making sure that she was still here with him. And that last night wasn't just a dream like he used to get when he missed her.

He finally admitted his feeling to her and she was bawling like crazy.

She kept asking him that she wasn't dreaming.

How could she ask that? It should be him who asked her those questions. She had been so patient with him. When he threw his stupid tantrum she was just sat there taking it all in and not a slight complaint came out from her mouth.

Knowing that she was one of the most impatient and powerful woman, he was just amazed how lucky he was that she didn't left him for another man.

He held his laugh when he remembered about last night, about how ready he was to die for her. He was exaggerating when he told her that, he was sure he could take down those two loosers easy even with his broken leg. But what he told her was the truth, deep down inside he would die for her, anytime....

And now since he knew what she was capable of, last night would have turned differently if he didn't take over. Kara would beat those men up that he probably had to call his lawyer now to fix the problem she had caused.

Problem? He wouldn't call it problem, he would call it highlight of the day.

It was in her nature to do something unthinkable and he knew he just had to fix it if she ever screw up. His wife was one of a kind but he was very grateful to have her in his life.

His memory had come back when he made love to her last night. He thought he was hallucinating when flickers of his memory came across his mind.

Everything came back like jigsaw puzzles, and everything came together forming a memory line.

From that day when she came to his office to claim her victory, to his stilly fought back tactic by hiring a private investigator. From the roses allergy to her crazy move announcing to the world about their engagement. Then their wedding day, their first night, their first kiss and the first time they made love. Everything had come back to him.

He thought it was just a dream but when he opened his eyes this morning it got clearer and clearer.

He was happy but also devastated about his memory that day when he left her. He heard her cry from behind his closed door. Now he knew why she cried. She had already fallen for him and she must have her heart broken when he divorced her.

Stefan closed his eyes tightly. This guilt would haunt him forever. He had broke her heart and almost did it again when he was eaten up by hatred that planted by Katherine.

He tried hard to get rid of this particular moment in the past that he wasn't proud of and he promised he would spend the rest of his life making up to his wife.

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