Chapter 42 - Joseph's Visit

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Stefan." Kara called him softly.

He almost fell asleep on the theatre chair, ignoring the movie that he tried to watch when Kara whispered to him.

"Yes?" he asked, slightly annoyed by the disruption.

"My grandpa is here to see you." She said, her face tensed.

"What?" he sat up and cringed afterward.

"It's okay if you don't want to see him. I'll tell him you're asleep."

"No, no. I'll see him." He run his palms on his hair and fixed his seat position. Why would Joseph Singleton want to see him?

He had no business with Joseph and that old man hated him passionately, Stefan knew that for a fact.

"Are you sure?" Kara asked again.

"Yes. It's okay." He tried to smile but he had to admit that his heart beat ten times faster hearing that name.

"Okay, wait here. I'll tell him to come up." Kara tapped his arm and walked out.

A minute later the Old Singleton appeared with smile on his skinny face. "Stefan, how are you doing son?" he greeted cheerfully like an old friend.

Stefan tried to stand up but Joseph stopped him, "don't bother son. I know you are in a lot of pain. I broke my ribs once when I was about your age. Motorcycle accident. I wouldn't want that again. The pain was excruciating." He talked and slammed himself on the next chair. "I couldn't cough and sneeze and even breathe properly for at least three months. It was the worst time of my life." He continued.

Stefan only stared at him, didn't know what to say.

What had happened back there after he was marrying Kara? Did they make peace and became drinking buddies? He wondered.

"So, tell me. How's everything?" he lifted his leg and crossed it over the other one, looking as relax as he could be. Kara smiled in relieve at how happy his grandpa was.

"Everything is fine Sir." Stefan answered politely. Still wasn't sure how to act toward this one nasty old man.

"Broken leg, back pain, fracture ribs and his memory hasn't come back yet." Kara interjected and slide a small cushion behind Stefan's back. "Is this fine?" her tone changed gentler when she threw the last question to her husband. Stefan thanked her.

"Ah...." Joseph nodded. "That's sucks. I can't imagine losing my memory, it must be frustrating not being able to remember anything, isn't it Stefan?"

"Yes it does. I can't remember my own wife." He looked at Kara and touched her hand, somehow he felt that she put her shield up around her own grandpa. He wanted to make sure that she was alright. "I am sorry." He whispered to her.

Joseph smiled, "that's okay son. I am sure it will come back soon. Kara will take a good care of you. Promise me Kara Sweetie."

"Grandpa, of course I will." She rolled her eyes.

"I know Sweetie, I know...." He chuckled at his own tease. "Oh Sweetie, can you get me a glass of water. I'm suddenly thirsty."

"Sure. What about you Stefan, do you want anything to drink? Coffee?" she offered.

"That would be nice, thank you." Stefan nodded.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She pecked his cheek, "be nice to my husband grandpa!" she warned Joseph before leaving the room.

"Isn't she sweet?" Joseph laughed and shook his head. He noticed Kara was so much happier being around her husband.

"So Stefan. Do you remember anything about our agreement?" he started to talk seriously when he knew that Kara no longer be able to hear their conversation. His tone changed and his eyes turned sharp when he stared at Stefan.

"What agreement?" Stefan asked in confusion.

Joseph studied Stefan face for a while, "You really don't remember, do you?" he sighed.

"No, nothing. What agreement?" Stefan asked again, this time he turned nervous. He really wanted to know what this man was talking about. He seemed serious and slightly deadly in his opinion. And he didn't believe himself that he could have some sort of a deal with this man. What was he thinking?

"It's nothing." Joseph's face was back to normal when he finally believed that Stefan wasn't lying. He tapped Stefan's shoulder with his wrinkly hand and stood up. "Let's keep this between us Stefan. You don't want Kara to worry, do you? And when your memory is back, I expect you to come and see me." He smiled one more time and exited the room, leaving Stefan trapped in confusion even more.


Sorry, short chapter :)

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