Chapter 47 - A Dozen of Roses

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Stefan hadn't been friendly lately. It had been three days that he sulked after he found out about blackmail situation. He went out whole day and only came back when Kara had fallen asleep.

He told her to sleep on the bed though, she was thankful for that, at least he didn't kick her out the house, maybe not yet.....

But it killed her for not being able to see him and talk to him about anything. He gave her short answers and he seemed like he had lost in his own thought. He was busy though. He went to work and locked himself in his home office after. He only came out for his meal or toilet break.


A message from Stefan brought her back from her train of thought.

What time will you finish work today?

Why did he want to know?

Five Kara replied.

We need to talk. I'll pick you up at 5

Kara sighed in defeat. This was it. He would 'divorce' her for the second time.

Why was it so hard for her to be happy? All she wanted was to be with the man she loved, she didn't even expect him to love her back. She just wanted to be with him. Being able to see him first thing in the morning and saying good night before bed were good enough for her. yet she couldn't get it.

If she had to sacrifice everything she got she would and she had done everything she could too, telling Stefan about how she felt and all.

The thought of protecting him by keeping the blackmail situation secret was backfired her. He apparently had very different opinion. She understood that completely and nothing she could do to change his mind.

She had run out of steam already and she was tired. Maybe it got anything to do with karma. She had done unforgiven things to him and now it was the time she paid it back.

Groaning in frustration she threw her phone on her desk.

That was it, she would lose everything matter to her tonight and she couldn't run away from it.


Kara took the lift down with so much worry in her mind. five o'clock and she knew her time with Stefan would be over in matter of minutes.

She walked out the giant door of her building after bidding her good night to her receptionist.

Her eyes caught a black Bentley parked on the guest spot with Matthew the chauffeur standing next to it.

Where did he want to take her to?

If he took her to the edge of the cliff and told her to jump she would do it, she figured it was better that way than living without him.

Get a grip woman! She scowled herself.

"Kara." Matthew gave her his signature grin before opening the passenger door for her to get inside.

She saw Stefan sat there in his grey shirt and a pair of blue jeans. His hand was holding something that covered by his suit. He smiled slightly at her. He looked a little nervous and she understood why. Stefan didn't like hurting people's feeling but she knew he had to do it, that was why he seemed that he wanted to run away from her right now.

Kara slowly slide herself into the car and Matthew closed the door. Out of her expectation Stefan pecked her cheek.

"Hi." He said softly.

"Hi....." Kara replied with so much confusion in her mind.

"I got you something." He said and pulled away his suit to present a beautiful bouquet of red roses for her.

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