Chapter 9 - Date

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Ted Jacksons, son of the famous wine exporter Jacksons Corporation. Kara didn't know why he ended up in Grandpa's list. His company was alright but it wasn't her calibre, he wasn't wealthy enough or handsome enough for her beauty. He was average and she didn't like average men.

He looked okay, not handsome, just okay but definitely not ugly. A little skinny for her liking, but he was tall and he dress up nicely. If only he kept his mouth shut he would be a better companion.

Kara watched him talking and suddenly she understood why he looked familiar. His face reminded her of a Doberman. Kara bit the inside of her lower lip to stop her from laughing till she tasted her own blood.

There was no way she would marry a Doberman.....

She had tried her best for the last hour to look interested to his rumble about his golf course and his chopper. Either he lived under the rocks or he didn't know Indigo Pharma, Ted didn't realise who he was talking to.

To Kara, chopper was like a car for most people. She owned more than one and she was in one of them at least once a week. Besides he seemed more interested at her boobs than her face.

His eyes never left her chest and he made her feel uncomfortable. It was her fault for wearing a low cut top that showed her perfect cleavage a little too much.

Besides who took their date to a pub? She was expecting something more romantic, a nice dinner in a fancy club, or something casual like small family restaurant, not a pub especially this pub. It was noisy as hell. And the patroons were more like bunch of gangsters who looked at women more like a piece of meat. She could literally see their drools while looking at her.

She didn't understand Ted motive, whether he tried to show her that he was one tough man or he was part of the thugs. But both of them didn't make a good impression to Kara. If he wasn't in Grandpa's list, Kara would already leave five minutes after they talked. She didn't have the patient to respect an idiot.

She growl inwardly and pretended to fix her hair, pushing her long hair to her chest to cover her assets.

She swore she would literally scratch his eyes any minutes now....

Kara's phone was beeping. A message: Who's the pervert?


Her head shoot up to scan her surrounding but she didn't see him anywhere in the pub. Could he be outside, staring through the window?

She smiled slightly and typed something. Nobody. Where are you?

Another message: In 30 seconds I will come to safe your sorry ass. Get ready!


Kara again looked around the room trying to find him and soon she caught him appeared from the end of the bar and strolled confidently toward her like a knight in shining armour. His lips twitched up when their eyes met.

He looked dashing in his blue shirt and pair of jeans. His thick black hair slicked to the back and his three days stubble covering his strong jaws.

Kara gulped.

Stefan was always neat, always formal and his face always shaven clean. She hadn't seen him in almost three weeks and this was what she got, sexy facial hair and defined muscles against his skinny shirt?

She was suddenly felt warm all over and she held the urge to fan herself with the pub's paper coaster. Kara never been this happy seeing him coming.

"Well, well, well.... Isn't it fancy seeing you here Miss Singleton?" he greeted, wedging himself in between Kara and Ted, totally ignoring him.

To Stefan, Ted Jacksons was like a dust on the street. He could be rich but he wasn't the whale in the society and Stefan couldn't be bothered introducing himself to Ted especially when he was being a jerk by taking a lady as beautiful as Kara to a pub like this. Ted didn't realise that he had insulting her and Stefan didn't plan to forgive that man. 

Ted was about to protest of how rude Stefan had been but soon closed his mouth once he heard Kara mentioned Stefan's last name.

"Mr Angelopoulos." Kara matched his formal greeting and welcomed his hand but instead of shaking it, Stefan brought her hand to his lips and planted a light kiss on it, his hazel eyes never left hers.

Kara almost fainted, first time he acted so charming toward her and she admitted that when his lips touched her hand, her spines tingled.

"What are you doing in a dingy place like this Miss Singleton? I've been trying to talk to you since last week. Why haven't you return my call?" he looked hurt as if whatever lie that just came out from his mouth was true.

What was he talking about? Kara opened her mouth but Stefan warned her with his eyes.

"Ah, sorry about that Mr Angelopoulos, I've been really busy. What is it that you need from me?" she got his signal and decided to play along.

"I need your opinion about our newest project. Would you be interested to talk about it? It's kind of urgent. I have to close the deal tomorrow and I don't want you to miss the opportunity to pocket million dollars profit."

Kara deliberately gasped, "not in a million year Mr Angelopoulos."

"Very well then. Let's go to my office for a meeting?"

"I guess I have to go with you then. Will you give me a minute?"

With that Kara smiled sweetly toward Ted and apologise for not being able to continue their night out then casually looped her hand on Stefan's arm who guided her out the bar.


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