Chapter 36 - His Broken Heart

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Stefan had her in his arms and they glide ever so slowly over the dance floor.

Her steps were light, her body was warm and her hip swayed gently against his hand.

She was so beautiful tonight, with her hair down like that, covering her neck that he couldn't resist to kiss.

"I love you..." he breathed the words that he wanted so much to tell her against her ear and he heard her sighed contently.

She hid her face inside the crook of his neck, circling his torso with her hands, she pushed herself deeper into his chest.

Stefan wished the world to stop turning and just let them be like this forever.

"Stefan, I love you ...."


Another dream.....

A dream that he wanted so much to be real.

A heart-warming dream that made Stefan woke up feeling a little better but as soon as he was fully awake, he felt a lot worse.

He was so sick and tired for having different scenarios about them getting back together but it was the only thing that had kept his mind away from crying over her every time he closed his eyes at night.

He missed her so badly. He used to have her sleep next to him, having her in his arms and seeing her smile when he kissed her good night. And now he was alone and he felt that his bed became so much bigger than before.

It was all pretence to her, he knew, but it better that way than what he had to endure now.

He wished he didn't make that deal with Joseph. She maybe still be here, lying next to him right now. Even if she owned him, his company and his life, he wouldn't mind. He would enslave himself for her for the rest of his life. He wouldn't mind at all.....

But it was too late.

Joseph got the divorce application that both of them signed. Joseph probably had sent them away and Stefan could only wait for the formal notice to arrive in his mailbox.

That old man was a devil. His hate toward Angelopoulos was as solid as a rock and nothing could change his mind, not even when Stefan had swallowed his dignity, visited him again and begged Joseph one more time to let him love his granddaughter and reconsider their deal.

Joseph had refused him flat.

How could a man be that cruel, Stefan never understood him.

A month had past since he gave Joseph the paperwork, the pain was unbearable and he didn't know how long he would survive this misery.

Groaning he swang his legs down to the floor and went straight to his bathroom to wash his face. He wouldn't be able to sleep anymore.

His new habit after he left her. He would wake up after just three to five hours sleep and he would drive around the quiet streets to calm his mind.

He wore his shirt and jeans, checked himself one more time through the bathroom mirror before leaving the house. He knew he looked like shit but he didn't care anymore.

Stefan pushed the accelerator deeper, ignoring the speed limit sign on the side of the road. His Jaguar zoomed against the quiet highway at three in the morning as if he wanted to run away from the bitter reality.

Even his car reminded him of Kara. She loved his Jaguar and she was the one driving it while they were still together. She just delivered the car back this afternoon, leaving it outside at the guest parking space of his apartment and gave the key to the security guard for him.

Her soft Jasmine perfume still lingered in it and Stefan took one deep breath to keep his memory about his wife intact.

It didn't matter that they were now separated, to him she was always be his one and only wife.

His brief encounter with her two days ago at the party ruined all his effort to forget her. He knew it! He shouldn't come, he needed to avoid her at any cost.

He had done a good job rejecting her so far. He ignored her phone calls, he didn't even want to meet her when she came to give him the signed divorce application form a month ago. But now seemed that everything he had done was no use.

His memory about her was refreshed and he was back to square one.

He thought he could do it, doing what Joseph wanted for their marriage but turn out leaving Kara was the biggest mistake in his life and he didn't know what to do to make him feel better.

Half of his soul was gone with her, he felt like an empty shell that walked around and continued living without knowing what was his purpose in life anymore.

Stefan sighed when he turned on the radio and an old song came up. I'm Not Supposed to Love You Anymore, by Trademark. A broken heart song, just what he needed he thought sarcastically.

Wasn't his favourite but it was one of Kara's. She loved 1990 songs and she often played it when she was in the house doing some cleaning. He laughed in irony. She was funny in a way, she challenged him on everything he asked her to do but not about the house chores. She accepted it without a single complain from her mouth just like a good wife.


He didn't have one anymore.

Groaning he changed the station, this time a love song and he groaned again. He didn't need a love song either. He pushed the off button roughly, shifting his eyes back on the road when he saw a pair of tail lights in front of him.

Time to reduce the speed he thought. Someone else was using the road and he had to be more careful. Reluctantly he stepped on his brake pedal but the car didn't slow down, not a bit.

He pushed even deeper but the car was still about the same speed and he started to panic. He felt the difference in the brake first time he pulled out from the parking lot but he didn't pay attention till now and he regret it.

The tail lights got closer and closer and now he saw another tail lights on the fast lane too, a truck, a huge truck. There was no way he could overtake the first car. He honked repeatedly but the vehicles in front of him didn't seem to understand his message.

They slowed down in purpose just to annoy him and caused him to panic even more. His brain stopped working, didn't know what else he could do to reduce the speed fast enough and when he was getting closer to them he turned his wheels around to avoid collision and caused his Jaguar to flip.

His life flashed before his eyes.......


That was the last word escaped his lips before the car rolled few times against the cold dark asphalt with loud thuds. It then slide few meters away and halt abruptly, stopped by the iron bars on the edge of the highway.


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