Thanksgiving eve

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So apparently marks stepmom a name is Dee. Oops. Oh well. Not changing it now.

I wake up with Marks arm wrapped around me from behind and I sigh happily. I snuggle into his chest more and feel his grip tighten. It was freezing in here but then again, we were in Cincinnati. I slowly untangle myself and walk into the sweet smelling kitchen. Jan stood in a silk robe as she mixed what looked like pancake mix. "Oh Jack!" She whispered excitedly as no not wake Mark. "Good morning dear! How did you sleep?"

"Like a log. Thank you for letting me stay here."

She scoffed. "What? You think I would let my future son-in-law freeze to death. So sir, not on my watch!"

I chuckled. "What can I do to help?" I ask.

"Oh that's not necessarily dear."

"Bacon then?" I ask and she laughs.

"Well, if you insist." I walk over and see a carton of eggs as well as spinach, mushrooms and a few other vegetables.

"I can make the omelettes if you like." I offer and grab a pan.

"Well aren't you sweet."

I smile and turn on the burner. She really was a pleasant woman.

I cracked the eggs and got the omelettes half way done before I hear The door down the hall open. In walks my boyfriend with his disheveled hair and warm smile. Jan goes to him and hugs him tightly. They talk as I finish the eggs and scrape the last few strips of bacon off another pan. Mark walks over and pulls me to him. "Whatch doin?" He asks.

I was about to reply, but Jan cut me off. "Jack here has been such a help in making breakfast." She walks over to him and whispers in his ear. "Hold onto this one."

"I plan to." He says back and I blush. Jan laughs and excuses herself to get dressed before the breakfast crowd arrived. I went to go into our room, but a certain someone blocked my way. "Are you sucking up to my mom?" He jokes.

I roll my eyes. "I don't have to suck up."

"Darn right you don't." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. I chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him softly then rest my forehead on his.

"Mornin." I whisper.

"Good Morning baby." He smiles and I hear a faint sound beind him. I look over his shoulder and see Jan with her cellphone pointed at us, taking pictures. When she saw I noticed, she quickly brought it down.

"What? A mother can't take pictures of her son and his boyfriend?" I just laugh as Marks face heats up.


I throw on a white button down and nice jeans. I think about putting on a tie as well but decide against it. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I walk into the adjacent bathroom and try my hardest to fix my hair. When I finally get it to settle down a bit, I brush my teeth, apply deodorant and cologne, and check myself in the mirror one last time. I walk out and I swear to god, Jan actually squealed.

"You look dashing my dear!" She says and comes to me. Mark stands behind her with eyebrows raised.

"What? Not used to seeing me this hot?" I ask and strike a pose. Jan laughed and went to set the table.

"It's not that, it's just that this is a family breakfast, not the Grammies." I roll my eyes.

"Would you like me to change?" I ask.

"What? No! I just um..." He sighs and comes over. "You look amazing." He says and pecks my lips. I smile and kiss back. I pull away as I hear a knock on the door. Mark walks off to open the door and at least 10 children pounce on him.

"UNCLE MARK!!!" They all scream. I chuckle as multiple men and women walk in and greet Mark. They turn their attention to me and I feel my heart rate increase.

"Hello, I'm Jack." I say and stick out my head to the nearest man. All of them smile and greet me warmly.

"We've heard so much about you." A woman with brown hair and green eyes says. "Mark's positively smitten with you." I smile and shake her hand.

The crowd of children disperse after a few minutes and a few of them come up to me. "Who are you?" A little girl asks.

"My names Jack. What's yours?" I say.

"Beth." She muttered and a little boy comes up behind her.

"I'm Matt!"

"Well nice to meet you Beth and Matt." A few other kids come over and start to bombard me with questions.

"Are you Uncle Marks boyfriend?"

"Why yes I am."

"Are you in love?"

"Indeed I am. Very much so." I chuckle.

"Are you and Uncle Mark gonna get married?" A few of the adults look away and I can tell they were just as interested in my answer as the kids.

"I sure hope so." I say. "But it's not just up to me. Uncle Mark has to be ok with it too."

"Ok with what?" Mark asks as he walks up and puts an arm around me.

I hold my finger to my lips. "Shhhh." I say and the children laugh. They all hold their fingers to their mouths and repeat the acton. The adults all laugh and I chuckle and lean into Mark shoulder.

"What are you up too?" He asks.

"Shhhh." I say and kiss him lightly. A few of the kids mime throwing up, but most just smile along with the adults.

"Come eat everyone!" Jan called. "Jack and I slaved over a hot stove for you all." She joked.

"Let's eat." I say and pull away from Mark.

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