Nov. 29

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I wake up to a chill and shiver slightly. The shake of my shoulders seemed to wake Mark because he pulled me closer and tucked his face in my neck. "Chilly?" He asks. I nod and turn around to face him. I wrap my arms around him and pull my chest against his. I kiss the bridge of his nose and he smiles softly with his eyes closed. "Hmm," he hums, "what day is it?" He asks.

"Sunday." I say softly.

He sighs and opens his eyes slightly. "We leave tomorrow then?"

I nod sadly. "Sorry baby."

He shrugs. "We'll come back. Mom's gonna try to talk us into staying though."

I chuckle. "Is it too early to just sneak out the window?"

"We'd be a little cold if we just climbed out the window." I turn around and my eyes widen as they land on the window.

"Snow!" I jump up and throw on my jacket.

"Whoa, calm down their jackaboy."

"Come on! I wanna go play in the snow!" I throw on my shoes and run out the door. I sprint into the back yard and stick out my arms. The cold flakes pepper my skin and cause a chill to run down my spin. I hear the door open behind me so I turn and see my boyfriend covered from head to toe. He comes over to me and wraps a scarf around my neck.

"The last thing we need is you getting a cold."

I smile and spins round with my arms outstretched. "It's so beautiful!" I exclaim. He chuckles and leans down, grabbing a hand full of snow. "What are y-" I was cut off my a snow ball pelting me in the chest. Should have seen that one coming.

I grab a hand full of the powder and chase him as he tried to run away. "Where you going baby?" I ask. "Don't you want to play with me?" He laughs and continues to run. I chuck the ball at the back of his head and cheer quietly as it hits him. He turns around with a playful look on his face as he runs and tackles me to the ground. He holds my arms down and grins evilly at me.

"I win." He says.

"Fine, you won." I say, defeated. He smirks and leans down to kiss me. What he didn't expect, was a handful of snow colliding with his mouth as soon as his eyes closed.

"Ptb." He spit. "Jerk!"

"Jack. Say it with me, Jack. Not jerk."

"Don't be such a dick." He says.

"Hey you started it buster!" I said defensively.

He gets up and dusts himself off. "Fine. You can play in the snow by yourself then." He huffs and walks towards the door.

"Awe Mark!" I say but it's too late the door already shut behind him. I frowned and sat up. What did I do? I thought we were just playing? Did I upset him? I shouldn't have done that. All he wanted to do was kiss me and I shoved ice cold powder in his face. No wonder he's mad! I wrap my arms around my knees. Why did I have to screw everything up? Why did I have to make him mad at me? This week was supposed to be about us. About him. I'm suck a prick.

I lift my head to the sound of the door opening. "Hey jerk I brought you so- Jack baby what's wrong?!" He asks and sits beside me and sets down a mug of coffee. "Are you hurt?" I guess I hadn't noticed the tears that had started to run down my face. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. You're right, I'm a jerk."

"Hey," he uses his index finger to turn my face towards his, "no you're not. I shouldn't have said that. I love you."

I shrugged and looked away, not entirely believing it this time. He sighed and kissed my cheek. "You were just playing. I know that."

Another tear slips out and he wipes it away lovingly. "It's just..." I start. "You're just so amazing. I don't want to loss you over something small."

"This isn't about the snowball is it?" He asks.

"I guess not."

"Look at me." He says softly. I do and he smiles. "I'm not leaving you. Ever. I love you and there is nothing we can't figure out. Plus my family would kill me if I let you go." He joked.

I chuckled and he pulled me close. "I love you. More then anything."

"I love you too." I whisper. I don't block his lips this time.

Honestly I was gonna make a snow-day chapter no matter what but it does seem like I stole the idea from GamingPenguin so to keep everyone happy, I thought I'd give them credit for some of the 'activities' that took place. I hope they don't mind.

Sorry about this sucky chapter. I have a lot going on right now. Feel free to hate me for neglecting my promises. I deserve it.

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