Nov. 28

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They are still in Cincinnati if you're confused.

I look out the window in our room and smile. The backyard was beautiful and inviting so I grabbed my laptop and sat in one of the large plush chairs on the porch. I open Twitter and look through the most recent tweets.

@jacksepticeye i spent my birthday money on a bunch of your merch! I'm the bossest kid on the block!

There was a picture attached that showed a girl with a gray hat, septic Sam shirt and a Sam plushy. I smiled at the thought of someone spending money from their birthday to buy my merch. It seemed unreal.

That's pretty bossy! Happy birthday!

I hit send and smiled even wider.

That's so cool!


JSE is Boss!

I laughed as I read through the other replies. I was honestly looking for someone to say something mean or hateful, but I didn't find anything. I was overjoyed at the amount of love and support they were showing when it was so easy not too.

"May I join you?" Comes a voice from behind me. I look back to see Jan with a newspaper in her hand.

"Please do." I say.

She smiled and sits across from me. "So Jack, how has your visit been so far?"

"Amazing. I'm so happy to be here." I said with a grin.

"I'm so glad. We are happy to have you."

A sound went off from my computer and I blushed. "Sorry." I say and shut the laptop.

"Don't worry about it. Were you checking comments?"

"Twitter actually." I said and blushed harder.

She nods. "You must love your job."

"What's not to love? I get the play video games for a living."

"Mark tells me that you're quite invested in your community."

"I try to be."

"It's admirable." She says. "You don't see that commitment from TV stars or musicians."

"Well I couldn't do any of this with out the community. I wouldn't have met Mark if they weren't there." That was something I thought about often. If my "fans" hadn't been there, I never would have found the love of my life.

"Well then I suppose we should all be quite grateful." She smiles and so do I. She reached over and takes my hand. "We really do enjoy having you here Sean." I blush at my real name. Mark must have told her because I never had.

I open my moth to reply but am interrupted by Mark running out the door. He looks at me and smiles. " you better not be cheating on my with my own mother Sean William Mclaughlin." He says sternly. I burst into a fit of laughter and Jan giggles as well. I look and see the football in his hand. I raise my eyebrow.

"Since when do you play sports?"

"Since right now. Come on!" He calls and runs the the other end of the yard. Tom walks out and follows.

"You coming?" He asks. I shrug and stand up. I look back to apologize to Jan but she just nodded towards the boys.

"Go." She smiles.

I nod and run after Tom.

--- (I am the master of timeskips! Bow before me! Or don't. Whatever.)---

I sit in the cold grass and watch as the sun dips into the horizon. Mark had once again kicked me out of the kitchen so I decided to sit out here. It was a bit chilly but the sunset was completely breathtaking. Pink and orange and purple and red all mixing to create a masterpiece of color and light. I was so mesmerized that I didn't hear the door open and Mark walk over to where I was sitting. He sat beside me and put an arm around me. I stiffened momentarily before relaxing comfortably into his side.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asks.

"Gorgeous." I whisper. He looks down at me and stares into my eyes.

"It looks better with a blue background." He says as he watches the colors reflect off my irises. I roll my eyes and lean in. My lips capture his and move slowly and sweetly. He smiles and pulls me closer. I open my eyes ever so slightly and can't help but smile at the love practically radiating off of him. He pulls away slightly and looks back into my eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes that show love and care without any effort. He kisses my nose and I close my eyes.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I know. I'm pretty great." I joke. He chuckles and pulls away, rolling his eyes.

"Don't be a dick." He says.

"Fine." I say and lean in again. I kiss him for a few seconds before pulling away again. "I love you too."

"I don't believe you."

I raise an eyebrow. "What should I do to convince you?" I ask. He thinks for a second before laying down in the grass. I shake my head. "Not happening."

He blushes. "No that's not...-"

"I know ya big doof." I say and lay down beside him. I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. "Hey Mark?"

"Yeah Jack?"

"I loooove you." I say and snuggle into him further.

He chuckles and pulls me close. "I believe you. I love you too."

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