First day of winter

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"AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" I scream. Mark laughs from beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Buh-bye." He said and turned off the camera. We had just finished playing some gingerbread game that the grumps have played before. "That game was bull." He sighed and flopped down beside me. I laugh and laid down so my head rested on his lap. "Tired?" He asks. I nod and he starts to play with my hair. He picked up the remote with his other hand and went to Netflix.

"Not in the mood." I mumbled.

"What?" He asks.

"No chilling will be happening tonight." I say and I didn't have to look up to know he was blushing.

"That's not where I was going." He says.

"Mmhmm." I hum and close my eyes. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up again, I was alone on the couch. I stood up confused and walked to our bedroom. The room was empty. So was the kitchen. I was about to call him, When I heard the soft echo of singing and running water. I moved close to the bathroom door and smile.

"When the leader of the bad guys sang something soft and soaked in pain, I heard the echo from his secret hideaway." I grinned at the lyrics and opened the door slowly. "He must have forgot to close his door as he cranked out those dismal cords, and his four walls declared him insane." I step into the room and take off my shirt and jeans as quietly as possible. "I found my way. Right time wrong pace as I fled my case." He continued the song and I slowly walked to the curtain. "You're the judge, oh no, set me fre- GAH!" He shouted as the curtain was yanked back. He held his heart for a second as he calmed down.

"Mind if I join?" I ask and step in before he can reply. He blushes and tries to look less vulnerable.

"I-I thought you said-"

"Changed my mind." I say and kiss him hard.

Total Twenty øne piløts trash.

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