Dec. 13

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Lots of obscure references that very few people will get. If you do, you know great movies.

We sit on the couch watching the princess bride and cuddling. Every once in a while we would say a line or two from the film. "Inconceivable!" Mark shouts and I practically fall over laughing. When I recover I put on a straight face and look back at him. "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." It was his term to laugh as we watch Inigo and the masked man fence.

After a few minutes of yelling. "My name in Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" The doorbell rang. I got up to see who it was and saw multiple packages siting outside. I grab as many as I can and retreat to the kitchen. "Mark, can you grab those other packages?" I call. I hear him get up and walk to the door.

"Holy cow!" He exclaimed. "Where's all these come from?"

"I don't know." I say and get out a knife to open the first one. It was from Ken and Mary. "Presents!" I yell as Mark walks in with the rest.

"We shouldn't open them yet then. It's only the 13th."

I give him the puppy dog eyes and he sighs. "Fine. It's not like anyone will know anyway." We dug through the gifts and found multiple games and gaming lore. Many of our friends had sent us gifts. We had already sent most of the gifts for them but there were still a few to be wrapped.

We get to the last few and I grab one from Felix and Marzia. I open the package and smile at what lay inside. It was a framed photo of the two. Felix kissed Marzias cheek as she held up her left hand. A large diamond ring rest on her finger.

Mark looks over my shoulder and grins. "About time." He says and takes the picture out of the box.

"Seriously! We've all been waiting for it" I say. I take out the note at the bottom of the box and read it.

Jack and Mark,

Guess who's engaged! We know it's a lame gift but we thought it would be cute. Hope you guys are doing well!

Marry Christmas septiplier!

I laughed and handed it to Mark. He chuckled. "I honestly forgot that was a thing."

"What? Melix?" I ask.

"No septiplier."

I gasp. "How could you have forgotten about our ship?!" I ask with fake hurt.

He rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean." He says and hugs me. "I forgot that there was a time when we weren't together." I blush.

"We've only been together a year." I say.

"The best year of my life." He whispers and kisses my neck.

"God you're cheesy." I joke but can't hide the pink in my cheeks.

"The cheesiest." He says and kisses me again.

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