Dec. 9

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I wake up in our bed in our room in our house.

His arms wrapped around me like a cage preventing me from even thinking about moving. I didn't need to move anyway. I didn't want too. I wrapped my arms around his and felt him subconsciously pull me closer.

After all that happened, We talked and kissed and laughed. We felt the love pouring out of both our souls as we looked into each other's eyes. I remember the affection his his soft gaze. It made me feel safe and wanted again. When we went to bed, there was no "make up sex" or making out or anything like that. It was just cuddles and hugs and I love you's. We were happy.

I smiled at the memory of it all. Sure it sucks to have fought and to feel that fear of losing someone you love, but in the end, it all worked out. Fights can make a relationship stronger if you can make it through them. And we would make it through them. Always.

I was taken from my thoughts by a small shiver from the muscular man behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows. It was hot in here. Like really hot. I moved the blanket and felt the obvious chill. Maybe I had just taken all the covers? I looked over and saw him fully bundled up and his body shaking. "Baby?" I whisper. He opens his eyes and smiles.

"Hi." He whispers back. "Is it cold in here to you?"

"Just a little. But it's burning under the covers." He frowned and buried himself deeper into his cocoon of blankets. Something clicked and I put my hand on his forehead. "Jesus." I said. "You're burning up!"

He nodded. "That would explain it." He chuckled but was cut off by a cough.

"You stay here. I'm going to go get you some tea. You need anything else? I can run you a bath. Or maybe...-"

"Jack, I'm fine." He smiled.

"You're a terrible lier." I said and went to get his tea. I turned on the kettle and waited for it to heat up. I picked out what flavor I think he would like best. I put it in a pug mug Felix had given us and went back into the room. Mark was completely under the covers and I could see his body shivering. "Poor marky." I frowned. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I grabbed the thermometer out of the nightstand and pulled the covers down to reveal his face. He looked at me and smiled but I could see pain in his gaze. "How you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm fine."

"Stop lying to me." I scold and hold out the thermometer. He opened his mouth reluctantly and let me take his temperature. "Jesus." I breathed. "101." He sighed. I kissed his burning head and took out my phone. "I'll pick up some antibiotics from the store and maybe some soup. It won't be like momipliers but it'll have to do." Jan did actually make her soup for me and let me just say, it was freaking amazing.

"Jack?" He asks.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Can you do that later?" I looked at him confused for a minute as I watched him scoot over and open the covers for me. I rolled my eyes and put down the mug I was holding. I wrap my arms around his waist and he buries his head in my chest. I bring one hand up to play with his hair and hum softly to help him fall asleep. It seemed to work because in moments, I had a softly snoring teddy bear of a man clasping tightly to me. I smiled and kissed the top of his head before wiggling out of his arms and writing him a quick note if he woke up and I wasn't here.

Went to the store to pick up a few things. I'll be back soon.
I love you. Xoxo
~ Jack

I closed the door to the room quietly and called a cab. As I waited, I checked Twitter and saw many people messaging me about the lack of videos. With everything going on, I guess we just kinda forgot. I turned on the camera and recorded a quick vlog.

"Top of the morning to ya laddies!" I whisper. "My name is Jacksepticeye and I'm whispering right now so I don't wake Mark up. Some stuff has happened and I guess we just forgot to upload the videos so I'm really sorry about that. Mark is sick right now so there probably won't be any up today either. Sorry guys. But we're fine. We'll be back to normal soon enough, we just need a little bit of time. Thanks for understanding. We will see you in the next video. Buh-Bye!" I uploaded it to both our channels just as the cab pulled up.

When I got to the store, I quickly bought what we needed and payed. I didn't want to be out too long.

"Oh my god!" The cashier said. "You're him aren't you?!"

"Um probably." I chuckle.

She looked to see if anyone was behind me and luckily there weren't any. "Look, I know you probably he this all the time but could we...?"

"Of course!" I say and walk around to her side of the stand. She holds out her phone and takes a few pictures and puts it away quickly.

"Thank you! You guys are seriously my idols!" He face got from for a second. "Mark's... Ok right?"

I chuckle and nod. "He'll be fine. Just a fever."

She thanked me again and I rushed out to get a new cab. When it arrived, I jumped in and got a new notification from Twitter. The girl I had just seen had posted the picture, as well as many pictures sent my way. One in particular caught my eye.

It was Mark bundled up on a couch with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. On the side of him, I sat with one leg bent beneath me on the couch and the other outstretched with my foot on he ground. My hand resting on his forehead and my other rubbing his back. A caring smile on my face as his showed a playfully grumpy expression. I laughed at the adorable picture with the caption. Get well soon Mark! I know Jack will take good care of you!

I got home and put the soup away. I grabbed a glass of water and the antibiotics and headed back to our room. Mark sat up with blankets around him and smiled when I walked in. "I brought medicine!" I cheer.

"By hero." His clogged nose made his m's sound like b's.

"Sounds like you've gotten worse." I frown any hand him the pills.

"I'll be fine. I have you to take care of be." He opens his arms and I climb into his embrace. We sat like that the rest of the day. Just cuddling and enjoying each other's company as my love regained his health.

So I had that picture I described in my head but I can't draw so I just had to describe it. I don't know. It looks so freaking adorable in my mind.


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