Christmas eve

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We pull up to the small cottage and I smile towards him. He smiles back but I could see the hesitation. "It's going to be ok." I say and take his hand. He nods and opens his door. As We walk up the house, he played with the zipper on his jacket. I chuckle and grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. We reach the door and I raise an eyebrow to ask if he's ready. Instead of responding, he knocks somewhat weakly.

My sister opens it and squeals when she sees me. "JACK!" She cries. "THERES MY BABY BROTHER!" I blush and hug her back.

"Hey Kate. How are you?" I ask.

"Fantastic!" She lets go and looks behind me to see Mark standing there. She squeals again and hugs him briefly.

"Oh my god! You must be Mark! I've been DYING to meet you!" He smiles and hugs her back.

"It's nice to meet you too." He says.

"Well come in before you freeze!" She cheers and brings us both into the house. We walk in and are immediately bombarded with family. My sisters, Kate and Linda, and my brothers, Malcolm, James, and Joseph, all come and greet us.

"It's so great to meet you!" James said as he shakes Marks hand. "I'm a huge fan!"

"It's great to meet you as well." He smiles.

"Alright! Out of the way!" My mother calls from behind the crowd. "I haven't seen my boy in months." I hug her as soon as she reaches me and she hugs just as hard.

"Hey Ma." I say quietly.

"Hello Jack." She pulls away and wipes a strand of hair out of my face. "How are you my dear?"

"I'm great ma." She cut me off with a bright smile at something behind me. I let go of her and wrap an arm around Mark. " Ma, Mark. Mark, this is my mum Isabella."

He sticks out his hand. "Wonderful to meet you ma'am."

She rolls her eyes and pulls him into a tight hug. "You as well dear. I've heard so much about you."

My dad comes over and taps me on the shoulder. "Hey there." He says and grins. I hug him and smile.

"Hey dad."

"Mark I presume?" He ask and sticks out his hand. Mark grasps it firmly and shakes.

"Yes sir."

"You are so polite." My mother says. "No need for all this etiquette."

Mark blushed. I pull him to my side and smile at my folks. "So how are you guys?" I ask.

"We're grand dear. But don't worry about us. We want to hear all about life in the states." My mum says and My father motions to the couch. We take a seat and begin talking about our life and how well it's going.

"Are you happy Sean?" My mother asks.

"Of course. I couldn't be happier!" I say, not quite forgetting the fact she called me Sean.

"And you Mark?"

Mark grabs me hand and smiled at my mother. "I can't describe how happy I am. Jack is everything I could ever hope for." I grin and peck his cheek.

"Oh come on!" Linda says from behind my folks. "That's not a kiss!"

They all laugh and I can't help but blush. I look to see marks cheeks about as red as mine. I lean in and kiss him swiftly. I hear multiple 'awes' and my brother mumbles for us to get a room. I just smile as he brings our hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles softy.

I don't think I've ever seen a smile as big as the one on my mothers face in that moment.

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