Dec. 7

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Don't hate me.

I walked into the living room to see Mark at the kitchen table and surrounded by papers. He sighed and dropped the one he was holding to rub his eyes. I walked over and put my hands on his shoulders. "Everything ok?"

"They're raising rent again." He said.

I started to massage his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. "How much?"

"A couple thousand."

I nod. "We didn't have to move here you know. I would have been fine with Matt and Ryan."

He sighs angrily. "That's not the point. I wanted to do this right."

"Do what right? We are fine." I sit next to him and take his hand.

"It was supposed to be different. We were supposed to be adults and deal with this like adults."

"I still don't understand."

"Maybe you shouldn't have moved out here. We weren't ready."

I inhale quickly. "Y-you regret moving in with me?"

"No... Yes.... Maybe.... I don't know. Look, we had only been dating for a few months."

"So?" I asked a bit hurt.

"I'm just saying we shouldn't have rushed ourselves. I'm still paying off the moving bills and visa fees."

"Well why didn't you tell me that?! I would have helped! They were my problem, I'll pay for them!" I said defensively.

"You just don't get it."

"You're right, I don't. Why is this coming up all of a sudden?"

"I'm just saying we weren't ready is all."

"Weren't ready? Mark, I left everything to come here! You think I would do that if I wasn't ready?"

"What exactly did you leave behind?!" He snapped.

"My friends. My family. My home."

"What friends? What family? You said over and over how you were all alone and how you never saw any of them! Your home? You always complained about Ireland!"

"That's not fair Mark." I mumbled with tears in my eyes. "You know it's not."

"I left everything too ya know! I rarely see any of my friends! I moved for the millionth time!-"

"It's not the same!" I yelled. "You didn't move countries!"

"Exactly my point! If I wasn't ready and I had less to lose, how could you have been ready?!"

"I knew because I loved you! That's all that mattered!"

"That's not all that matters Jack! Sometimes you have to think of things other then your feelings!"

The tears finally fell. "Screw you Mark! I just thought that if you really cared about me as much as you said you did, we would find a way to work it out!"

"Maybe we were both being stupid." He said with nothing but anger in his eyes. Chica chose that exact moment to come inside and looked at us strangely. He grumbled something about taking her for a walk before grabbing the leash and walking out the door. I stood there for a moment, just crying and waiting for him to come back in and so that we could make up and fix all this. When it never happened, the tears turned into sobs and I put my head in my hands. How could this have happened? How did this even happen?

I contemplated leaving, but where would I go. I didn't have a license for driving in America. I could call someone but who would I call? Matt and Ryan? They were his friends first and would probably side with him. Matthias? I had only met him a number of times. I could go to a hotel but who knows how long I would be there?

No, I had to stick it out. I had to stay and at least get some closure. But I didn't have to deal with him for the rest of the day at least.

I went into our room and grabbed my phone and laptop. I walked across the hall to the spare bedroom and locked the door behind me. That's when the silence really hit me. Is this it? Could this be the end of us? I collapsed onto the bed and sobbed quietly.


About an hour later, the door opened and I heard Chicas claws against the hard wood floor. "Jack?" Mark called. I heard his footsteps walk around the apartment for a few minutes before my phone started ringing.

Markimoo <3

It read. I bit my lip but let it ring softly. Maybe he would think I was asleep. He came up to the door and knocked softly. "Sean?" I stayed silent. He sighed and walked away. I let more tears fall as I heard him sink into the couch. I wrapped a pillow around my head and blared music through my headphones to block out any sound.

I don't know how long it took my to fall asleep, but when I finally did, I was beyond relieved.

Ok ok hate comments start *looks at watch* NOW!

It'll get happier I promise.

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