Chapter 13

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I carefully put the finishing touches on my and Katniss' wedding cake before sliding it into the cooler at the back of the bakery. It's hard to believe that tomorrow, we will get totally, officially, legally married. I actually expected her to put up a bit of a fight when I suggested we get married in a week's time. Instead, she quickly decided that Friday was the day she wanted and so here we are.

Right now, she's out there in the woods supposedly getting the meat for tomorrow's dinner. After we eat tonight, I'm going to go stay at Haymitch's while she stays in her house alone, as it is tradition I don't see her before the wedding. I'm a little worried about leaving her alone for the night. It's getting closer and closer to that time of the year when her nightmares get worse. Its hard for her to be alone when those nightmares come, and it's almost just as hard for me to wake up three times a night to her terrified screams.

I hear a knock on the front door. I look through the glass to see Katniss standing there, two dead rabbits shot through the eye with her flawless aim hanging from her hands. I open the door for her and she smiles gratefully at me as she comes in.

"Thanks," she says. "I forgot my key." I shake my head, laughing at her carelessness.

"Katniss, you'd forget your head if it weren't attached," I say and she playfully shoves my arm. She lays the dead rabbits on my counter and I shoot her a look.

"What?" she asks.

"I just cleaned that!" I say and this time she laughs at me.

"Oh well," she says. "It's not as though you'll be open tomorrow anyway." I smile at her and she returns it, her dark eyes glowing beneath the thick black lashes.

"No, I guess I won't," I reply. "Should we be going home now?" She nods and grabs tomorrow's dinner off the counter, following me out of the little bakery. The near full moon shines off her dark hair and her olive completion is paled by it. She looks like she's made of moonlight itself. It's dazzling.

"What are you staring at?" she asks. I look at her, her eyes twinkling and a small smile playing on her lips.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look in the moonlight?" I ask her and she looks away from me.

"I think I've heard that one once or twice," she says smiling at me. "Though its nice to hear it again." I lay an arm over her shoulder and she leans against me as we walk home. It's almost odd, how this is the last time we'll walk down this road this way. After tomorrow, we won't just be the two best friends who take care of each other. We will quite literally be each other's other halves.

As we reach the house, I pull out my key and open the door for Katniss. She carefully walks in and sets her kill on the counter. She rifles through a drawer and pulls out a decent sized knife and calls to the cat.

"I'm gonna go clean these," she says and I nod.

"I'll start on dinner," I reply and she disappears, heading to the back door with Buttercup on her heals, obviously looking forward the meal he'll get when Katniss is finished. I open up the fridge and pull out leftovers from last night and begin heating them up in a skillet. As I do, I hear a knock on the door. I check the clock and see its nearly 8:30. I hear the knock again and decide to see who it is. I open the door to quite the surprise.

"Annie?" I ask and the little redhead nods her head and then I notice the little boy standing beside her. Her and Finnick's son.

"Mrs. Everdeen told me about the wedding and since you both helped so much with mine, I thought I'd stay with Katniss tonight so she wouldn't be alone," she says before glancing awkwardly at me. "That is, if you'll have me."

"Of course we will," I say. "You and Finn are always welcome here. And I'm actually glad you're here. I didn't really want to leave her alone tonight." She picks up her little boy and I stand aside as she walks in. I take her coat just as Katniss walks back in.

"Peeta, I left the rabbits in the fur shed. I figured it would be cold enough tonight to-" she stops as she sees our visitors and I see a sad smile appear on her face. "Annie, it's been a long time."

"Too long," Annie replies and Katniss is completely taken off guard when Annie comes forward and hugs her. "It's been lovely to see you both again. I've wanted to come visit so many times but, the time was just never right. But now that Finn's older, its easy to come for a visit." Katniss glances uneasily at the little boy who looks so much like his father. I know she still blames herself for his death. This is painful for her.

She carefully pulls herself away from Annie and the little boy runs to grip Katniss' leg. She glances at me helplessly and I just shrug. Katniss looks down at the little boy and he smiles up at her.

"Hi!" he says and I see a smile fight its way to Katniss' face.

"Hi," she replies. "So I guess you and your Mommy are gonna stay with me tonight?"

"Uh huh," he says. "Mommy said we were gonna help you look pretty for your wedding to Uncle Peeta, Aunt Kitty." Katniss laughs and glances at me before squatting down to his level.

"Well that is very thoughtful of you buddy," she says. "Come on now, lets go eat dinner and then we'll say goodnight to Uncle Peeta." He nods exitedly and takes her hand as she leads us into the kitchen.

The dinner is nice. Annie tells us things we haven't bothered to really keep track of and Katniss actually smiles a few times. When it's time for me to go, she follows me to the door.

"I'm going to miss you," she says. I pull her into a hug.

"I'll miss you too," I say. "But it's just until tomorrow morning."

"I know," she says. "Then this will all be over and we won't have to worry so much anymore." I kiss her cheek and pull away.

"I'll see you at 10," I say and she nods, smiling.

"Goodnight, Dandelion," she says, using the nickname she only ever calls me when we are alone at night.

"Goodnight Katniss," I reply and I watch as she closes the door and leave her alone for what I hope is the last night I ever have to.

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