Chapter 15

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Words cannot describe how beautiful Katniss looks in her wedding dress. Her hair trails down her shoulders and hangs in black curls, woven with dandelions. I can't help but feel luck she'll be mine in the matter of a few minutes. Her hand looks delicate in mine as we stand together.

The ceremony is short and quiet, a traditional District 12 wedding like Katniss wanted, Haymitch standing beside me and Annie beside Katniss. It's basically just us exchanging rings and when we are finally asked to turn to each other, I feel nervous. This is the first time I'll hear her speak since last night. I have no idea what she'll say about this.

"Peeta," she says. "I never saw my life going in this direction. If you asked me at sixteen where I saw myself in five or ten years, I would have said hunting in the woods to keep my little sister alive. But she's gone now." I hear her take a breath that sounds like its so full of pain I wish that I could just hold her right now. "So many of them are gone. But somehow, we survived all this. We survived the hunger games twice, we survived a rebellion, we've never let anything stand in our way.

"You don't know this, mostly because I like to keep grudges, but I was awake in Tigris' basement when you and Gale were talking about who I would choose. And as much as I hate to admit this, Gale was right. I chose you because I can't survive without you. Those months when I was alone proved that. The reason we survived was because we did it together. And that is why I want to keep surviving with you. I want you to keep proving me wrong." She smiles at me and I notice a tear that ran down her cheek and I feel myself tear up a little too.

"Katniss," I say a little uneasily but she just smiles at me. "I never knew that this would happen either. From the time we were kids, you were just this untouchable beauty that I never had a chance with. I loved you, yes, but we were strangers. Then, when we actually talked to each other, I knew that I would never be able to live a life without you in it. You are the most interesting person I have ever met and when I was hijacked, you were the one who knew the most about me. You were the one who let me be myself again.

"I know this is gonna be difficult. You've never made any part of my life since I met you easy. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Wether it's comforting each other from the past or just sitting in the doorway watching the rain." Katniss laughs and turns to Annie, handing off her bouquet as she turns back to me. The judge asks us to present the rings and I watch as Katniss slides mine off her thumb while I pick her's out of my pocket.

"Do you, Peeta Mellark, take Katniss Everdeen to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asks and I look into her crystal like eyes as she smiles at me.

"I do," I say.

"And do you, Katniss Everdeen, take Peeta Mellark to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I look at Katniss nervously and she laughs at me.

"Don't give me that look Peeta! We got this far I'm not saying no." she says before turning to the judge. "I do." He nods at us to exchange the rings and I gently slip the band on her finger before she does the same to me. We all sign the marriage license and Katniss gives me a smirk as she signs her new name. We look at the judge and he smiles at us.

"By the power invested in me by the country of Panem and District 12, I now pronounce you husband and wife," he turns to me. "You may kiss the bride." I lift Katniss' veil and she smiles at me before our lips meet and she wraps her arms around my neck. When we break away, we lean our foreheads against one another as the small group of people here claps.

"We made it," I say and she laughs.

"I know," she says.

"I missed you a lot," I say and she laughs as we start to walk outside.

"I missed you too," she says. "Sleeping next to a five year old just doesn't cut it."

"What are you talking about?" I ask her.

"I had a nightmare last night," she admits. "Finn heard me and decided he would take care of me for you."

"Well, we won't have to worry about that any longer," I say. "I'm not leaving you anymore." She kisses my cheek as we enter the meeting room which has been cleared for the reception. She sees the cake and smiles.

"You made a cake!" she says and I laugh as she pulls me over to it. We cut it together and both end up covered in it. "You didn't have to smash it in my face!"

"Isn't that how it works?" I say and she hits me playfully. When it comes time to dance, I notice someone walking towards us and Katniss places a hand on my chest to calm me down.

"Gale," I say and he dips his head.

"Hello Peeta," he replies. "I thought I'd wish you two well." Katniss looks away from him and he sighs. "I can't stay long but I was wondering if I could have a dance with my old hunting partner on her wedding day." Katniss looks back at him before glancing at me.

"It's up to you Katniss," I say and she kisses my cheek as though making a point to Gale before turning to him.

"I guess that would be okay," she says. Gale gently takes her hand and leads her to the center of the room, twirling her around and I can see them talking. Every once in a while, my bride glances at me and when the song finishes, he kisses her cheek and walks way. Katniss comes over to me and takes my hand in hers, letting me finally dance with my new wife.

"What did he say to you?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I'll tell you later," she says. "Its not important. Just parting words really." I pull her close to me and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I love you," I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too," she replies, making me feel like a million dollars.

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