Chapter 26

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"I'm sorry, Katniss," Dr. Montgomery says as she throws away her gloves. "You're still stalled at four and a half centimeters." I groan and lay my head back on the pillow."

"I've been at four and a half since I got in here three hours ago," I cry out and I feel Peeta try to brush my sweaty hair out of my face but I slap his hand away from me.

"You can still change your mind about pain meds," she says but I shake my head.

"I've had enough needles in my arms for a lifetime," I say. "I'm not going to willingly let you stick another one in me." She just nods and leaves. I slowly lower my legs from those stupid stirrups and groan.

"Baby, maybe we should rethink the meds," Peeta says as the door shuts. I roll my eyes.

"Not you too," I say. "I can do this by myself. I will kick you out just like I did my mother."

"Katniss, you aren't even halfway through," he says. "I don't like seeing you like this."

"I'm a big girl," I say. "I can take it." I reach for his watch. "How much longer do I have before the next one?" He holds it up.

"Two minutes," he says. I nod and try to control my breathing. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you." I just laugh.

"I wanted this too, Peeta," I say. "I'm scared, but I'll be okay."

"You are a terrible liar," he says.

"I'm not lying," I say. "Maybe, I didn't want this as much as you did, but I do want her." I feel the contraction starting, earlier than expected, which I guess is a good thing. I grip onto the edges of the hospital bed and scream. "Even if it feels like she's tearing me apart!" I feel Peeta rubbing my back as I lean forward and clutch my cramping stomach.

"Deep breaths," he reminds me. "It's almost over. Just stay calm." I nod and sigh as I fall back onto the bed. It slowly releases and fades to a dull ache.

"I'm okay," I say. "Its over."

"For now," he says.

"Countless women before me have done this with absolutely nothing," I say. "So can I." I smile at him. "Besides, I've got you. I'll be alright." He kisses my cheek.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," he says. "You gonna be okay?" I nod.

"I'm gonna be here for a while," I say. "I might just try to get some rest."

"You want me to get you some more ice?" He asks as he gets up.

"That'd be nice," I say and he kisses my cheek.

"I'll be right back," he says.

"I know," I say. "Now go before I change my mind." He nods. He starts to go but I stop him. "Wait."

"What?" He asks.

"I love you," I say. He smiles.

"I love you, too Kat," he says before he leaves. I lay back against the pillow and try to relax. I look down at my large stomach and realize that while Peeta has, I've never really talked to our unborn child. I guess it just seemed foolish. But right now, when I'm so close to holding her in my arms, it really doesn't.

"You know, you could make this easier for me," I say. "Maybe, if you are a little quicker at this, I won't break your Daddy's hand by the time you're born." She doesn't do anything, not that I think she can. She probably isn't very comfortable either right now. "I think you'll like your room. It's a really soft green color and your Daddy, as soon as we found out you were a girl, he went right in there and painted a meadow over your crib with beautiful wildflowers and butterflies all over. There's even a little fawn curled up in the middle, sleeping like she's staying there, waiting for her mother to come back. But you won't see that for a while. You're probably gonna be in our room for a few months, so we can get used to each other." I smile a little as I realize how much that fear has faded just by talking to the thing that has been causing all this fear. "I think I know what I want to name you, even though I don't know you. I haven't told your Daddy, but I think he'll like it." I lay back and settle in for my next few hours. "But I guess we'll just have to see about that won't we?"

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