Chapter 17

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I wake up to someone pressing soft kisses to my back. I raise my head and look to see Peeta laying his head between my shoulder blades.

"Good morning," I say and he raises his head to kiss my lips.

"Good morning beautiful," he says and I laugh.

"Don't lie to me," I say. "After last night, I'm sure I don't look very nice anymore."

"You're always beautiful to me," he says. I turn over so I'm facing him and he gently sweeps my hair out of my face as it falls. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired," I say and then deciding not to lie to him. "and a little sore. But I've honestly never felt better." I feel his arm resting over me and I reach out and cup his cheek.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," he says and I can't help but laugh.

"If I had wanted you to stop, I would have stopped you," I say and sit up, wrapping a blanket around me to keep warm from the cool morning air. Peeta still lays with his head on the pillow, watching me with pure adoration. I fiddle with the pearl around my neck and Peeta smiles at me.

"I remember when I gave you that pearl," he says thoughtfully and I nod.

"It's one of the few good memories we have from those times," I say and he sits up, kissing my cheek. He reaches over me and grabs a brightly colored package from the drawer of the little table beside our bed. He lays it in my hands and I give him a look.

"I got you a wedding present," he says and I smile.

"But I didn't get you anything," I say and he shakes his head.

"You're my gift Katniss," he whispers. "Now open your present." I carefully remove the ribbon from around it and open the box. Inside lays a dark green silk and lace nightgown with lace panties. The nightgown is revealing but it looks like it will cover everything it needs to, stopping just past my butt.

"Oh I see," I say. "Your present is for you too." He blushes and I laugh.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he says and I hug him.

"Thank you," I say kissing his cheek. "I love it. I'll wear it tonight." I hear a scratching on the door and I sigh.

"I'll go feed him or else he's never gonna go away," Peeta says and kisses my forehead as he gets up, walking out in nothing but his boxer shorts. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and look back at my gift. Oh yes, I'm definitely wearing this tonight.

I get out of bed and go into my closet, putting away my dress and new nightgown before putting on new underwear and slipping into a tank top and jean shorts. I go into the bathroom and almost laugh at the mess I look.

The hair Annie ever so carefully wove together with dandelions hangs tattered and lopsided, the bright yellow flowers wilted and shedding petals. My makeup is smeared and Peeta obviously enjoyed my neck last night because there are three dark hickeys that I can see on my neck and shoulders.

I carefully remove the rest of the pins and flowers from my hair and brush it out and then clean my face before decided to join my new husband downstairs. I stretch and wander downstairs and am greeted by the scent of breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see him cooking bacon in a skillet and a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls sits on the counter. I sit on a barstool and pick one up, munching on it quietly. Peeta turns around and jumps a little when he sees me.

"How long have you been there?" he asks and I laugh.

"Not long," I say. "I was just enjoying the view." He looks at what he's currently wearing and then glances back at me.

"You shouldn't stare," he says. "Its kind of rude."

"Haven't I told you before, I don't really care about being rude," I say and stand up, walking towards him. "And evidently, neither do you." He gives me a confused look as I corner him against the wall.

"Me?" he asks. "What did I do?" I move my hair off my shoulder to reveal the three blemishes he left on my neck last night. He starts blushing and looks down. "Oh, that."

"Yeah, that," I say laughing. "Those were I nice surprise this morning." I go over to the cupboard and take one of my pills before turning back to him. "It's not that I don't appreciate them, it's just that if Haymitch sees them, I will never live this down." He starts laughing too and walks towards me, placing his hands on my hips.

"Well then I guess I will just have to keep you in here to myself until they go away then won't I?" he says smirking and I smile.

"I guess maybe you will," I say. Just then my stomach rumbles.

"You hungry?" he asks and I nod.

"I'll get you a plate," he says and he kisses my forehead before walking past me to rifle through the cupboard for plates. He sets a plate in front of my seat at the island. He gets his own and sits across from me. We eat in silence, but every once in a while, we glance at each other and smile. If the last twenty-four hours indicates anything, I think I'm going to quite enjoy my life as a married woman. Peeta gets up, taking both our plates to the sink. As I sit and watch him, I feel that same fire in my gut that I got last night and feel like I'd rather not wait until tonight to continue our honeymoon. I get up and walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I was just thinking something," I say and he turns to look at me smiling.

"Oh yeah," he says. "What's that?"

"I was thinking that maybe I would go take a shower and try on that nightgown," I say. "Want to join me?" He looks at me to see if I'm serious before lifting me up and practically running up the stairs.

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