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"Rose," some says in my ear shaking me.
"Leave me alone, Scorpius," I say whacking them.
"It's Alice!" She yells in my ear and I jolt up.
"Scorpius? Really Rose?" Nim, a girl with brown hair and green eyes, asks from across the room.
"He once put a tickling hex on me not my fault. It was over Christmas break in the dining hall. My insides never hurt more," I say standing up and walking to my trunk.
"Sure Rose," Danica, a  tall blonde hair girl, says.
"It's the truth I was there," Alice says as she changes into her robes.
"And let me guess he taught you all the hexes you know?" Charlotte, a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes, teases.
"Some, I take interest in spells and hexes. I picked up Curses and Counter-Spells at Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley when I went," I explain.
"Let's hope you still are good at everything else," Nim mumbles as we all change into our robes then grab our books and wands and head down to the dining hall.

"Are you doubting my Quidditch skills? Sam has called for practice almost every morning and we're still short a Seeker," I complain as we climb though the portrait hole to the dining hall.
"Sure, short a seeker," Nim says and puts quotes over it.
"Tomas was a 7th year last year and our seeker," Alice says as we walk towards the dining hall.
"Our first game is against Slytherin. Even if I don't play Quidditch I know Slytherin is tough to bet. But after that it's against Hufflepuff so no big deal," Danica says.
"Hey Rose wasn't that the girl you hexed?" Charlotte says and I nod.
"Golden hair, likes to smile. Is Viktor Krum's daughter. She was flirting with Scorpius, which I don't care about, and extremely too preppy to be Hufflepuff,"I say and continue to walk.
"Wow you must really like him," Nim points out.
"Remember the hexes," I heard Charlotte mutter.
"I would never hex you guys only Malfoy and mean people," I say.
"So basically all of Slytherin," Danica says as I turn around and face them.
"Only the ones that are mean to me. I can teach you guys some if you want," I say but they shake their heads.
"As your friends we support you but we don't want to be part of it,"Charlotte says and they all nod. We make our way to the Gryffindor table and I look over at Scorpius and he was already looking at me.
"Oh looks like Rose has a crush," Danica says and I give her a glare. I quickly eat the toast and eggs. I have Quidditch practice after classes so I need to make sure and eat good.
"I'll be back I think I left a book back at the dorm," I say and run back to the Fat Lady portrait.
"Passcode?" She asks.
"What is it again? Oh- The House cup is ours," I say and it swings open and I climb though the hole.
"Hey Rose," a third year boy calls out as I walk pass him in the common room. I climb the winding stairs and then go into the dorm I look in my trunk for it and find Quidditch though the Ages. Placing it in my bag I calmly walk down to the common room.
"Bye Rose," Lance says in the common room. Lance is a 3rd year Gryffindor boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Oh! Lance, hi," I say a little surprised that he isn't at breakfast as we walk out of the Gryffindor common rooms.
"What was with the rush?" He asks and I show him the copy of the book.
"All I need for my future," I say and he smiles a little.
"So I heard you hexed a Hufflepuff," he says and I knit my eyes brows together.
"I feel like the whole school has heard about it," I say and walk towards the dining hall.
"Well Hufflepuffs are known to be quite friendly," he says and I slowly nod.
"I know but this one had that eerie feeling she was messing with Albus," I lie.
"Is that so? Everyone says it's because she was flirting with Scorpius," he says and I blush beet red.
"No way," I say trying to hide my face.
"I watched it go down and she didn't even talk to him, Albus was too busy making googgly eyes at Alice Longbottom. Then you crawled under the table and she had pepper breath," he says and I winces a little.
"Just something I picked up in Charms," I lie to him.
"They don't even teach it to 7th years why you?" He says.
"Found it in a book," I says telling the truth and quickly walk away towards my friends.
"Almost everyone has heard about me hexing a Hufflepuff," I say trying to keep my head down.
"It's pretty big. Let's just finish eating so we can go to Charms," Alice says and I nod.
Nim, Danica, and Charlotte finish their food and head to Charms.
"I'm going to wait here for Alice," I say as they leave. I glance after them then walk over to Slytherin table.
"Hey Scorp and Albus," I say messing with Scorp's hair.
"And Valerie," I say looking at her next to Albus.
"I'm guessing studying Curses and a counter- spells worked for you," Scorpius says and I give a slow nod.
"But everyone is now talking about it if my parents find out," I start to say as a bunch of owls fly in.
"We're about to see," Albus says and I walk over to my seat and a letter appears.
I slowly up it and my mom's nice handwriting appears:
Dear Rose,
We received a letter from Professor McGonagall informing us before the semester started you HEXED A GIRL.
Then my dad's scrawled handwriting took over:
I'm so proud next time try the Orange Hex. Your mother says there will be no next time! If you want to get good grades you can't be expelled and if your expelled no spells and no more Quidditch. Please watch out for Hugo and set a good example for him. Love, Mom and Dad
Great, just great, my parents already heard about it.
"Let me guess it's from them?" Alice says after sliding into the seat next to me, and I nod.
"Let's head to charms ," I say and we say goodbye to Scorpius, Albus, and Valerie.
"See you in Potions," Alice says and we walk up the stairs to Charms corridor.
I take out my Rosewood wand and books as we walk to Charms.
"Hey don't we have Charms with Hufflepuff," I say and she frowns.
"We won't work with them," I say and she nods. Once we get in there a tall man with dark skin stands at the front of the room. Professor Dean Thomas, he's Liam's father and the Charms professor.
"Welcome 3rd year Gryffindor and Hufflepuffs," he greets with a friendly smile.
"This year we will relearn the Levitation spell, and the Cheering charm, as well as the Glacius, which is a freezing spell," he tells us.
"So let's start with the Levitation spell instead of a feather how about a book," Professor Thomas says. He pulls out a Standard Book of Spells: Grade 3 and his wand.
"Remember Swish and Flick," he reminds us and cast the spell. The book slowly raises up in the air and spins around. Then he grabs it out of the air and sets it down.
"Now everyone pair off and remember Gryffindor and Hufflepuff pairs," he says and I silently groan. I look around for anyone but everyone already paired off besides her.
The golden blonde curly haired Hufflepuff approaches me.
"Looks like we're partners," she says with a smile. I pull out the Standard Spell Book.
"Remember don't hex me that might not end well,"she replies holding out her Hazel wood wand.
"I wouldn't dream of it," I say with a fake smile.
"Wingardium Leviosa," I say and tap the book and it slowly rises.
"Good Miss Weasley reminds me of your mum. Top of her class as for your dad he almost took out his eye," Professor Thomas says and I laugh.
"Thank you," I say and it slowly lowers to the table.
"My turn!" Phoebe practically shouts in my ear. I cringe and look over at Alice and she's giggling. Phoebe takes her Hazel wand and taps the book. The book flies a up and hits me smack in the nose. Then it sets on fire and she tries to bat it out with her robes but her robes catch on fire. Man you would think Viktor Krum's daughter is swift and doesn't catch things on fire. Her mom must be something.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry," she says trying to hold back laughing. The book zooms around the room and knocks down pictures in the wall and catch on fire. A stinging pain goes to my nose.
Professor Thomas catches the book and  puts out the fire.
"Looks like I owe you a new book," she says. Professor Thomas hands me his extra copy of Standard Book of Spells: Grade 3. 
"Whoa there Rudolph," Nim, who's parents are muggles, says. All the pureblood wizards look at her like she's saying nonsense.
"Professor Thomas may I go to the infirmary," I ask and he examines my nose then sends me to the infirmary. I go back to my seat and grab my books and wand. I aim my wand at Phoebe and mutter,"Confundo." I look over and see her trip. My nose hurts even more so I hurry down to the infirmary. Madam Hooch does something to it and the pain vanishes.
"A crazy girl hit me in the nose with a book," I say and she nods.
"You're good to go," she says and I nod.
Let's just hope Professor Thomas didn't notice the charm.

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