Chapter 1 : Whos Grayson Dolan

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April's POV : So the names April Dallas . I'm Cameron Dallas's little sister . Some of you may think I'm so lucky to go all around the world and go on tours ... Uhm no .. I can't stand going on tour .. I can't stand all the girls screaming "CAMERON I LOVE YOU "... I'm just like shut up already ... As you can see .. I'm not the type of girl who's all into social media .. Or who fangirls .. It's ridiculous ... Cameron had invited me to go on tour with him .. Which I actually didn't wanna go ...

"Cameron do I have to go ...."
"Yes April you have to go ... "
"But why ... all the girls are soo annoying ."
"April stop being a hater ..."
"April stop acting like a 5 year old. You'll have fun .. And The Dolan twins are gonna be there ."
"Dolan Twins....?"
"Uhm yeah .. Ethan & Grayson Dolan..."
"Never heard of them ... "
"Are you serious April !!! I'm with them 24/7 how could you not know them or notice them ..."
"I don't know ... I just don't .."
"Well your gonna meet them today .."
"Wait where are we going today .."
"Chicago .."
"Omg yay Chicago .. I love and miss Chicago..."
"Well April we should get going .. We're gonna be late for our flight ..."
"Ugh ok ok "

We then packed up our things and headed off to the airport .

*Skip Plane Flight *

// In Chicago \\

Once we arrived at the hotel .. We started to get ready . Cameron put on some skinny jeans , black vans , and a black jacket . Since it was cold .. I decided to wear a nice Maroon colored sweater , skinny jeans , and Maroon colored uggs.. With bows on the back .. I then curled my hair . It literally took me 4 hours to get ready... Including w/ the makeup .. It only had taken Cameron 1 hour to get ready . The meet and greet started at 2:30 . Which was right on time since we finished getting ready at 2:00 . I was so not looking forward for this ...

Grayson's POV : I was pretty excited to be in Chicago .. With my brother Ethan .. I mean shit .. We're in Chicago !!!! I was also so happy to see the fans . I was finished getting ready around 2:20 which only gave me 10 minutes to arrive at the place where we were gonna have our meet and greet .. Right when me and Ethan were about to leave I then received a call from Cameron .

*Phone Call*

"Hey Grayson .. "
"Aye Cameron "
"Are you guys at the Chicago Arena .."
"Yeah we're on our way .."
"Okay well I don't know if I told you , but my sister April is coming along w/ us ."
"Wait is your sister that one cute short girl who is always at your house , but never seems to notice us ..."
" haha yeah that's April .. well I'll see you guys in a bit .."
"Alright bye .."

Ethan's POV : when we arrived at the Chicago arena , fans were already there . They were all screaming our names and trying to chase me and Grayson but we managed to get inside .. We were running behind schedule so Grayson had to help Cameron set up things ... Cameron was all over the place ... He was checking the sound system to see if it was good and all . Before the show started I had went to the bathroom . Once I got out , I noticed a pretty girl passing by .. It was April .. Cameron's sister .

"Hey April "
"Uhm hi ... Do I know you ... "
"Oh Uhm .. I'm Ethan .. Grayson Dolan's twin brother ... "
"Nope sorry doesn't ring a bell ...."
"We're Cameron's best friends... You're cameron dallas's sister ...right ..."
"Yeah ... "

She then thought carefully for a moment .

"Oh wait wait ... I remember now ... Cameron told me you guys would be here ... The Dolan twins right ....?"
"Yeah .. "
"Oh okay ...Well it was nice talking to you for the first time ..."
"You too April .."

April's POV : It was pretty weird the way Ethan .. Or what ever his name was approached me ... But he has a nice personality.. I'm not gonna lie ... I just wonder why everyone is in love with him ...Like what is to fall in love with ... Till right now .. I have no idea who In the hell Grayson Dolan is ... The only thing that I know is that he is related to Ethan Dolan ... And that girls are all obsessed with him ... Like Uhm you must be messed up in the mind to be obsessed with someone .. Like that's just fucking weird ... But it's whatever it's there life...not mine ...

Around 2:35 we opened the front doors and girls started running inside .. And tried getting our attention . We soon got on stage and started dancing and singing... It was pretty fun ... After we were done , we were accepting to take pictures with the fans and give them autographs ... By 3:30 we were done and started goofing around .

"Ugh Finally were done ...." I said
"Uhm rude much " said Grayson
"Uhm excuse me who are you ..."
"I'm Grayson Dolan who are you if I may ask ..."
"I'm your worst fucking nightmare .. That's who ."
"Oh shit Grayson ... " said Ethan
" it's fine dude .. Little miss pretty princess over here .. Has a crush on me .. She just doesn't want to admit it ."
"Oh please !!!! I didn't even know who you were !!!! And your not my type ..."
"Pretty princess .. I'm every girls type .."
"Well your not mine Grayson ... "
"Ouch ... " said Ethan
"Shut up Grayson , she loves me "
"Uhm no I don't .. I'm not interested in guys like you .. Who are full of themselves .. It's fucking annoying ..."
"Shit .. Cameron never told me you were this rude ...."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Grayson Dolan .... "

Then Cameron came inside the room and we all started talking again ..

"Yo Cameron .. April and Grayson were having a little argument ..."
"Omg really about what"
" your sister doesn't want to admit that she's in love with me ."
"What is there to be in love with Grayson ?!?? I'm not like those girls that fangirl over you ... I don't get why they even like you ....because I simply don't "
"Ouch April that hurt .... "

I smiled . He's a little shit .

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