Chapter 39 : Crossing the Line

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Grayson's P.O.V :

I was starting to get worried . What was Chloe telling April ? She then hung up the phone .

"What happened ?"
"She threatened me ."
"WHAT ?"
"Grayson it's fine really . The bitch only barks ."
"No April ! That's not okay ! She could get arrested for harassing you !"
"Babe it's fine . I'm serious . She's just trying to scare me ."
"I swear dude , if she does anything to hurt you .."

I interrupted Grayson .

"Grayson she's not going to hurt me , even if she does , I'll kick her ass ."

Grayson kissed me and we turned the lights off to go to sleep . He then wrapped his arms around my waist . Honestly , I'm terrified of Chloe . Yes I kicked her ass , but the bitch is crazy . She'll probably go psycho and kill me in my sleep . Being threatened by her scared the shit out of me . 

The next morning around 5:30 a.m. I began to get some text messages . It was from Chloe

:Hey Bitch It's Me Again . So Here's The Deal . Let Me Have Grayson. If Not I Will Embarrass You.

I read the message and ignored it . I then quickly went to sleep . The next morning , I was awaken by tweets that were on my phone . I was shocked . My Twitter was hacked . There was some really nasty things being posted . Oh wait let me guess . It was Chloe 😑. She hacked into my Twitter . That bitch . I announced on every social media that I had that I was being hacked by Chloe . I then told everyone to block her off everything and to give my Twitter account back ASAP . I was so mad .

Later Grayson woke up and smiled .

"Ready to go home babe ?" Asked Grayson
"Yeah I am :)" I said

Grayson and I packed our things and headed off to the airport . We then arrived at my house .


"How'd you sleep ?" I asked
"Pretty good ? How about you babe ?"
"I slept okay ."
"Are you feeling okay ?"
"Me ? Oh yeah . I'm perfectly fine ."
"Ok just making sure ."

We arrived at the house , and saw that izzy and Ethan were already there ?

"Hey guys !" I said
"Hey girl !" Yelled izzy
"Uhm what are you guys doing here ?" Asked Grayson
"Babe!" I yelled
"Oh I'm sorry."
"No it's fine . Ethan and I were just talking . I mean no one like me . So yeah." Said izzy
"Wait what I'm confused ." I said again
"I'm pregnant with Ethan's baby."
"Omg !" Said Grayson
"I know , you don't have to rub it in ."
"IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" Yelled Grayson
"Dude chill really ." Said Ethan
"I'm sorry ."
"So how did Hawaii go ?" Asked izzy

I turned bright red .

"Let's just say I saw a bitch that I didn't want to see ." I said
"You don't mean ..."
"Yes izzy . I saw Chloe !"
"That little skank ."
"Yeah tell me about it ."
"Babe why are you tripping over about it ?" Asked Grayson as he wrapped his arms around my waist
"Because she's fucking annoying . Can't she see that you love me and not her !"
"I'm sorry but bro what did u see in Chloe ? Asked Ethan
"Yeah what did u see in her ?" Asked izzy
"I-I don't know . I was just trying to get over April okay ." He stuttered
"How'd that work out for you ?" I said rolling my eyes
"It didn't ." He said silently .
"I love you." He added
"Yeah I know ." I mumbled

I then received a message .

:Can You please back the fuck of my man ! He's mine and only mine bitch ! You will rue this day. 😊 I fucken hate you ! You will fucken pay bitch ! I don't give a shit about you ! Die in a fucken hole bitch ! Just fucken die ! Gray don't love you ! Why do you think he left you for me ? He just using you sweet pea ! Get the fuck over it !

I got furious . I couldn't think of anything else besides Chloe threatening me . Like are you serious . Like get over yourself !

"Hey guys can you please excuse me , I'm gonna make a quick phone call ."
"Yeah sure ." Said izzy
"Make it quick babe ." Said Grayson

I nodded . I went outside and called Chloe .

A: Listen here Chloe . I'm literally done with your bullshit okay ! I'm with Grayson and he loves me ! Why can't you just accept it ? I don't even know you ! Leave me alone ! 
C: Awh boo hoo . Bitch please he loves me . He's just playing hard to get . Please get the fuck out of his life ! I hate u ! I fucking hate you ! Watch if I see you with him again ! I will fucken murder you bitch ! And I'm not kidding ! I will have what's mine .
A: Honey your not gonna kill me . Your just simply pathetic. Your irrelevant to me . I don't care about you. Stop texting me , stop calling me , leave me and Grayson alone . If this continues , I will call the cops , better yet I will find you and beat the shit out of you .
C: stop acting so tough , when your not bitch ! I know how you are ! You are afraid of me . Id keep my eye on myself . You never know bitch . I could be behind you and kill you in an instant .
A: go to tell bitch !

I ended the call . Chloe is fucking psycho! I went inside all scared . Grayson noticed .

"Babe are you okay ?"
"Me ? Yes I'm fine . Don't worry Gray."
"Give me your phone ."
"Why ?"
"Just give me it ."

I gave Grayson my phone and he saw the messages of Chloe .

"She's still bothering you ?"
"It's not a big deal ."
"Yes it is ! I told her to leave you alone ."
"What makes you think she's gonna listen ? She's planning on ruining my life Grayson ! She even plans on killing me !"
"Killing you ? She plans on killing you ?"
"Yes that's what she told me !"
"I've had enough of the girl ." He said walking away
"Wait where are you going ?"
"We are going to find Chloe. I'm done with her bullshit ."
"Grayson wait you can't ! "

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